RE: Cinetvcontest: Troy (2004).


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If you click on the poster image in Wikimedia from where you sourced it, it takes you to this page:


If you click on the "Details" button at the bottom right, it takes you to this page with the URL: 

The "Licensing" section of this page makes it clear that the poster image is copyrighted and Wikipedia does not own the image and is itself using the image under the Fair Use doctrine:


Since you are using the image for review purposes, I suggest that you also use it under the Fair Use doctrine. To do so, you have to include a statement at the end of your blog post stating that you are using the image under the Fair Use doctrine and state your reasons for it.

Here is an example of such a statement that I have drafted, which you are allowed to use freely without any restrictions.

Use this whever you are using copyrighted materials under the Fair Use doctrine. If provides you protection from copyright infringement suits, because the copyright owner has to ask you to take down the image first and only if you fail to do so can take action against you. Therefore you have to provide a proper communication channel to reach you. An email or discord is the best.


This blog post may contain copyrighted images or GIFs whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners or their appointed agents.
If the images and GIFs used here are indeed copyrighted and not licensed to me then they are used here under the Fair Use exceptions to copyright laws of the respective jurisdictions including Section 107 of the Copyright Act, 1979 of the United States of America.
These laws allow use of copyrighted materials without the threat of infringement as an exception to copyright under certain circumstances. The scope of such allowed circumstances varies slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In general, in most cases, fair use would cover use for the purpose of commentary, criticism, reviews, news reporting and parody.
If you wish to use any of the images here under Fair Use doctrine for your own purposes that go beyond "fair use" in your jurisdiction you will be well advised to obtain the necessary permission from the copyright owner.
If your copyrighted material is used here and if you disagree to the use of the same on this blog post despite my claim to "fair use", please contact me at ..........................

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