RE: ¿Padres impulsivos o reflexivos? / Esp/Eng


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Which contest are you participating through this post?

If you are not participating in any contest through this post, please don't use the #contests tag as that misleads people.

If you are participating in a contest of any community, it is advisable to include a sentence in your post stating that your post is an entry for that particular contest. This helps to weed out Hivers who wantonly use the #contests tag in their posts when they are not participating in any contests. Moreover, your readers (including me) may not be Holos&Lotus community members and would not know that you are participating in a contest unless specifically told.

A sample of the such sentence would be:

This is a contest from the stable of the #hivenaija community. Interested in joining? Kindly click on this: LINK

You may invite downvotes if you continue to use irrevelant tags wantonly.

Posted using HiveLIST


Greetings, this is an initiative that comes out weekly in holoslotus, I didn't really put in title if it was a contest. I thought I could use it because it is an initiative that selects each week the best writs. Thanks for the suggestion on how to use this tag properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks for the response. Always remember many people search for articles based on their interest in some subject by using tags. For example, if you are looking for articles on say, ethereum, you may do so by searching

Imagine someone searched for articles on "ethereum" and came across an article which has nothing to do with "ethereum". Surely that person would feel cheated and annoyed after spending time reading the article which has nothing to do with ethereum. Therefore never use any irrelevant tag for any topic.

Anyway, if you did participate in an initiative that selects best writers *and rewards them in some manner, that that initiative would be a contest. But without your providing a link to the contest, nobody would know which contest you are participating. The link to contest would also serve as a promotion for the contest and a form of expression of gratitude to the contest organizers for the opportunity they have given you.

Here is an offer for you if you regularly participate or wish to participate in contests.

I am currently recruiting contest organizers and participants to join the "50K LIST Power Club" I just formed.

I upvote contest posts that use #contests tag, but once I have the requisite number of people joining the Club, I will only be voting for their posts.

You may want to consider joining this club. To be in this Club you just need to comply with the following:

a) Use the #contests tag when you are organizing a contest or participating in any contest.
b) Provide a link (see sample below) to the contest you are participating.
c) the text and images in your post are free of plagiarism.
d) the articles are of reasonable length.
e) you may post in any language provided there is also an English translation.
f) you commit to power-up ALL your earnings in LIST tokens regularly as you earn them until you reach 50k List Power.
g) Upon reaching 50K List Power, you need to power-up only 50% of your subsequent LIST earning to continue receiving my support. You are free to use the other 50% as you like after that.

If you are agreeable to the above, reply to this comment with a "YES".

This offer is open to the first 30 people only. (22 already taken)

Here is a sample of a link to a contest you may consider using in your future contest posts:

This is a contest from the stable of the #The Ink Well Community. Interested in joining? Kindly click on this: LINK
