RE: On Fire

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We haven't cried yet, mainly because if we do, the tears will freeze onto our eyelashes and they will fall off.

It's good to see that you are still finding humour under such freezing and shitty conditions. That's surely one good way to keep your spirits up.

It's amazing how things can miraculously develop when you put more pressure on service people. My brother in law's car alarm kept on going off intermittently back in summer and Kia couldn't find out the problem for months. He ended up not locking his car overnight when he was at home. Then they told Kia they had to go away for a month, and if they don't fix the problem, they'll have to get him a car rental. Guess what? The problem got solved within a few days!!

Hopefully when the engineers turn up tomorrow they can fix things immediately to heat up the house properly. Till then....



There is no situation that bad, that it can't be laughed at.

When they would be otherwise forced to pay extra costs, they generally find a way. One of the benefits of business models looking to maximize revenue.

I am definitely bundled up! Not quite to that level yet though :)
