The Tipping Point | 9 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2337 | Prompt: deadly words (palabras mortales)



Roscoe Henderson strode swiftly down the crowded hallway, ignoring the students' friendly banter and their lockers' harsh treatment. Rounding the corner, he quickly inserted his key code and thrust the door open hard. So hard in fact that the occupants turned and stared at him as though they'd just witnessed a tornado slam into their retreat. His head bobbed up and down rapidly, then jerked from side to side as though a rabid dog was on the loose searching for a victim.

Silence fell upon the room.

Roscoe indeed spotted his victim. There sitting at a table in the middle of the employee lounge was Bill Middleton, the person responsible for his ungentlemanly-like conduct as leader of their small institution.

Roscoe's grand entrance wasn't lost on any of his staff.

Bill pushed his lunch to the other side of the table and nodded to his seating companion. He then rose from his chair.

Recalling events this past two years that prompted his steps to rebuke Roscoe, he took a deep breath. He had secretly gathered documentation against Roscoe from evidence that surfaced to support his complaint. He then rightfully demanded accountability for actions Roscoe took that were detrimental to their school and the welfare of its students.

After the last complaint meeting off campus, Bill expected a final confrontation.

What he didn't expect was that the collision would take place in an inappropriate setting. A neutral setting in the teachers' lounge, no less, where those professionals not involved in the issue would be subjected to any harsh words that might be exchanged and conduct unbecoming their status.

Bill watched as the bulging vein in Roscoe's temple became even more pronounced as he almost ran to his table. Once there, he jerked a chair from under it, sending it flying across the floor.

Immediately, teachers rose and quietly headed for the lounge exit. They wanted no part in Roscoe's temper and unorthodox methods of settling disputes with his fellow colleagues, of which more than several had already been on the receiving end. Through blood soaked eyes, Roscoe barely noticed they'd fled.

Roscoe pursed his lips, exaggerating his taunt cheeks. This encounter he'd anticipated, but delayed these past few months, once he learned of Bill Middleton's complaint into his administration of he school. But Bill meddling into his personal life was the tipping point.

Roscoe's wide stance facing Bill with hands on his equally wide hips almost forced a laugh from Bill's wife, Madelyn, who'd moved away a short distance. But the situation that brought the two men to this point was nowhere near comical. Serious accusations that could ruin the reputations and careers of both men.

Blustering, Roscoe spoke first. A small dab of spit hung from his lips. "Who and what gives you the right...?"

Bill immediately interrupted Roscoe by placing his hand in the air.

"Who? My students give me the right. And what? They desperately need help. They need qualified educators. They need upgraded equipment. In other words, they need resources the privileged academies get without asking. But You refuse to fight for them. Rumors circulating that the district is planning to shut this facility down. Why refuse the full amount of funds we desperately need? And the funds we do get, I don't see any quality changes these past five years. Are you in league with these actions? Or is it that the color of my students' skin will diminish the quality of education they receive?"

Roscoe's head jerked back as if someone had unzipped the cloak of deceit and let flow the truth. He spoke slowly with venom in his husky voice.

"I'll file a counter complaint and ruin you where you'll never work in this industry again."

Upon hearing those deadly words, Madelyn jumped to her feet and rushed Bill's side, grabbing his arm. This particular outburst from such a dedicated and passionate soul she'd heard all year as his frustration mounted.

Placing her body between the two men, she stared into Assistant Principal Henderson's hardened countenance.

"Please bear with me Roscoe and forgive my husband. He's not been feeling well lately. Stress from three additional classrooms incorporated into his schedule and pressure of the new personnel rules and restrictions are a bit overwhelming."

Bill shot a hot glance at his wife, always the conciliator.

"The pressure comes not from my love of teaching or my students. It comes from a figurehead of a principal. You're the real threat, Roscoe, but Principal Adams can't see it and won't listen. So, yes, I went over your and his head and started an investigation into your actions with the proper channels."

Roscoe issued a seething retort. "Evidently you don't know who you're talking to or dealing with. I've powerful friends on the board and in political circles who'll back me."

Bill chuckled. "I'm not afraid of you or your friends. And that's exactly why our school is a shit show and harming our children. Evidently you confuse me with someone who gives a damn about your supposed power trip!"

With that, Bill grabbed his lunch, then his wife's hand, and headed toward the lounge exit.

At the door he paused, then turned and stared back at the stunned Assistant Principle, Roscoe Henderson before leaving with him with this last impression and wise food for thought.

"God help our children if you can't find the right path, Roscoe. Because we all know you don't have Him in your life else you couldn't treat our precious resources like this who are our gateway to a future we will never see."


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized two @daily.prompts:

9 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2337: deadly words;


6 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2334: bear with me


! [The Tipping Point Spanish Translation]


El punto de inflexión

Roscoe Henderson avanzó rápidamente por el pasillo atestado de gente, ignorando las bromas amistosas de los estudiantes y el duro trato de sus taquillas. Al doblar la esquina, introdujo rápidamente el código de la llave y abrió la puerta con fuerza. Tan fuerte que los ocupantes se giraron y le miraron como si acabaran de presenciar cómo un tornado se estrellaba contra su refugio. Su cabeza se movió rápidamente de arriba abajo y luego se sacudió de un lado a otro como si un perro rabioso anduviera suelto en busca de una víctima.

La sala quedó en silencio.

Roscoe había encontrado a su víctima. Allí, sentado en una mesa en medio de la sala de empleados, estaba Bill Middleton, la persona responsable de su conducta poco caballerosa como líder de su pequeña institución.

La gran entrada de Roscoe no pasó desapercibida para ninguno de sus empleados.

Bill apartó su almuerzo al otro lado de la mesa y saludó con la cabeza a su compañero de asiento. Luego se levantó de la silla.

Recordando los acontecimientos de los dos últimos años que le llevaron a reprender a Roscoe, respiró hondo. Había reunido en secreto documentación contra Roscoe a partir de pruebas que surgieron para apoyar su denuncia. A continuación, exigió legítimamente responsabilidades por las acciones que Roscoe había emprendido en detrimento de su escuela y del bienestar de sus alumnos.

Tras la última reunión de queja fuera del campus, Bill esperaba una confrontación final.

Lo que no esperaba es que la colisión se produjera en un escenario inapropiado. Un escenario neutral en la sala de profesores, nada menos, donde los profesionales no implicados en el asunto se verían sometidos a las duras palabras que pudieran intercambiarse y a una conducta impropia de su estatus.

Bill observó cómo la vena abultada de la sien de Roscoe se acentuaba aún más cuando éste casi corrió hacia su mesa. Una vez allí, sacudió una silla de debajo, haciéndola volar por el suelo.

Inmediatamente, los profesores se levantaron y se dirigieron en silencio hacia la salida del salón. No querían saber nada del temperamento de Roscoe ni de sus métodos poco ortodoxos para resolver las disputas con sus compañeros, de las que más de uno ya había sido víctima. Con los ojos empapados en sangre, Roscoe apenas se dio cuenta de que habían huido.

Roscoe apretó los labios, exagerando sus mejillas burlonas. Este encuentro lo había anticipado, pero lo había retrasado estos últimos meses, una vez que se enteró de la queja de Bill Middleton sobre su administración de la escuela. Pero la intromisión de Bill en su vida personal fue el punto de inflexión.

La amplia postura de Roscoe frente a Bill con las manos en sus igualmente amplias caderas casi forzó una carcajada de la esposa de Bill, Madelyn, que se había alejado a poca distancia. Pero la situación que había llevado a los dos hombres a este punto no tenía nada de cómica. Acusaciones graves que podían arruinar la reputación y la carrera de ambos hombres.

Fanfarrón, Roscoe habló primero. Una pequeña saliva le colgaba de los labios. "¿Quién y qué te da derecho...?".

Bill interrumpió inmediatamente a Roscoe levantando la mano.

"¿Quién? Mis alumnos me dan la razón. ¿Y qué? Necesitan ayuda desesperadamente. Necesitan educadores cualificados. Necesitan equipos mejorados. En otras palabras, necesitan recursos que las academias privilegiadas obtienen sin pedirlos. Pero se niegan a luchar por ellos. Circulan rumores de que el distrito planea cerrar estas instalaciones. ¿Por qué rechazar la totalidad de los fondos que necesitamos desesperadamente? Y los fondos que recibimos, no veo ningún cambio de calidad en estos últimos cinco años. ¿Está usted de acuerdo con estas acciones? ¿O es que el color de la piel de mis alumnos disminuirá la calidad de la educación que reciben? ".

La cabeza de Roscoe se echó hacia atrás como si alguien hubiera desabrochado la capa de engaño y dejado fluir la verdad. Habló despacio, con veneno en su voz ronca.

"Presentaré una contrademanda y te arruinaré hasta el punto de que nunca vuelvas a trabajar en esta industria".

Al oír esas palabras mortales, Madelyn se puso en pie de un salto y corrió al lado de Bill, agarrándolo del brazo. Este particular arrebato de un alma tan dedicada y apasionada lo había escuchado durante todo el año mientras su frustración iba en aumento.

Colocando su cuerpo entre los dos hombres, miró fijamente el endurecido semblante del subdirector Henderson.

"Por favor, tenga paciencia Roscoe y perdone a mi marido. Últimamente no se encuentra bien. El estrés de tres aulas adicionales incorporadas a su horario y la presión de las nuevas normas y restricciones de personal son un poco abrumadoras."

Bill lanzó una mirada ardiente a su mujer, siempre conciliadora.

"La presión no viene de mi amor por la enseñanza o por mis alumnos. Viene de la figura de un director. Tú eres la verdadera amenaza, Roscoe, pero el director Adams no lo ve y no escucha. Así que, sí, pasé por encima de ti y de él e inicié una investigación sobre tus acciones con los canales adecuados ".

Roscoe lanzó una réplica furiosa. "Evidentemente no sabes con quién estás hablando o tratando. Tengo amigos poderosos en la junta y en los círculos políticos que me respaldarán".

Bill se rió entre dientes. "No te tengo miedo ni a ti ni a tus amigos. Y esa es exactamente la razón por la que nuestra escuela es una mierda y perjudica a nuestros hijos. Evidentemente me confundes con alguien a quien le importa un bledo tu supuesto viaje de poder ".

Con eso, Bill agarró su almuerzo, luego la mano de su esposa, y se dirigió hacia la salida del salón.

En la puerta se detuvo, luego se volvió y miró fijamente al atónito subdirector, Roscoe Henderson, antes de marcharse con esta última impresión y sabio alimento para la reflexión.

"Que Dios ayude a nuestros hijos si no encuentras el camino correcto, Roscoe. Porque todos sabemos que no lo tienes en tu vida, de lo contrario no podrías tratar así a nuestros preciosos recursos, que son nuestra puerta de entrada a un futuro que nunca veremos ".


Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé dos @daily.prompts:

9 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2337: deadly words


6 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2334: bear with me


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
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f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



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A quarter of a million upvotes. I'm truly blessed in this space and will continue to produce quality content so I can reach 300K. Woohoo... I appreciate the new badge and your support.

Take care.


I think Roscoe had that confrontation coming! Our educational system is not perfect yet we have people (especially in the leadership) wanting to destroy it totally. That's Roscoe!

I'm thinking do we have teachers or educators like Bill in the education system anymore? I admire his unwavering commitment to his students, to protect their future, despite the resistance he faces. This is a thought-provoking and well-written story. You capture the tension with vivid descriptions and dialogue. Well done!


Yes, the confrontation was inevitable given that the teacher didn't attempt to hide his complaint. Individuals who don't have the best interest of students shouldn't be in the education field. I do believe, even though the numbers are dwindling, that there are still educators willing to fight for themselves and their students. It seems a never-ending battle with outside influences attacking at every turn taking away rather than giving and supporting the education system.

Thanks so much for your visit and always thorough annaysis and engagement with my story. I appreciate it and your support.

Take care.


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You have unlocked a secret, congratulations to you, the legend is waiting for you to write your story.
