Feathered Friends - Zamuro, Although my appearance causes you rejection, I am the one who cleans the environment with care / Zamuro Aunque mi aspecto te produsca rechazo, soy el que limpia el ambiente con cuidados



The so-called Zamuros in Venezuela, (Coragyps atratus), is the only species of the genus Coragyps.

This bird is very difficult to find in a place other than a garbage dump and my wife took this particular one with her cell phone in a church, where she was there registering foreigners who wish to have a Venezuelan ID.

Although many may not find this bird beautiful, it nevertheless provides great help to keep the environment where it is found healthy and the species where it is found healthy, since by consuming carrion, that is, decomposing animals and decomposing plant material and by eliminating these wastes they prevent the spread of diseases, thus contributing to maintaining a healthy environment.

So even if you don't like this bird in its appearance, the great value and cleaning work it does is essential to maintain the health of that environment and thus be able to continue seeing those birds and other animals that we love so much.


Los denominados en Venezuela Zamuros, (Coragyps atratus), es la única especie del género Coragyps.

Esta ave es muy difícil de encontrarla en un lugar distinto a un basurero y este en particular lo tomo mi esposa con su celular en una iglesia, en donde estaba allí registrando los extranjeros que desean tener cedula venezolana.

Aunque a muchos no les parezca hermosa esta ave, sin embargo ella presta un gran ayuda para mantener sano el ambiente en donde se encuentra y mantener salo a las especies en donde se encuentran, ya que al consumir la carroña, es decir los animales en descomposición y material vegetal en descomposición y al eliminar estos desechos permiten evitar la propagación de enfermedades contribuyendo así a mantener un ambiente sano.

Así que aunque no te agrade esta ave en su aspecto el gran valor y trabajo de limpieza que hace es fundamental para mantener la salud de ese ambiente y así poder seguir viendo esas aves y otros animales que tanto amamos.


I could not agree more. These birds are so important, that their absence change the balance in the nature. They are not beautiful like the swans, but they are needed for the healthy environment, like you said.


I hope your posts here on Hive will earn you enough for a new camera so that you (and your wife) can capture all the interesting creatures from your country in higher quality and resolution :) Vultures are very interesting birds, I often met them when I was jogging in remote parts of Playa del Carmen in Mexico...

@tipu curate 2


Well, this particular photo was not taken with the camera that I normally take, the one I have is not the best but it is good enough to capture close-up photos of insects with teaching as I have already shown you.

When it comes to buying a better camera, it is very difficult. I am building my income to pay several debts and improve. What can be done is to buy a cell phone with a better camera since the cell phone is my work tool.


I also shoot just with my phone. In fact, I never owned a real camera, just phones. Always. These days, the phones can take very decent photos. This one, for example, was taken by me with an old no name phone in Costa Rica six years ago...


Anyway, I hope that you will be able to pay your debts and even buy a new camera or phone with your Hive earnings one day :)
