Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 150

Hello everyone specially to this wonderful community it's been a while since I've joined ma'am @nelinoeva's SMAP Contest. Round 150th we really come out this that its really amazing. Imagine on how many kind of birds was submitted and I'm happy that I was able to share mine too.

For this round let me flex this "Egret" that landed on our side. Egrets are herons, generally long-legged wading birds, that have white or buff plumage, developing fine plumes (usually milky white) during the breeding season. Egrets are not a biologically distinct group from herons and have the same build.

I was lucky I've got to capture it because look likes other birds doesn't want to come near. It's either there's has no more tree alive or our place is not good enough for their living. Everytime this contest will launched I remember the birds that I'd missed to snap on. How I wish them back, but how if there's no more tree left alive. It's also the reason why our place was called water world there are no more tress that can absorb the flood.





Thank you so much for reading
Much love, @usagigallardo015
