RE: I think I'm ready for another adventure | LOH #165

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Haha, the fuss about that day, or period, is the air of the holiday I think, not really about the day. I mean during universal holidays like that, many family members are free and around and full of joy as a result. The gift-giving culture that comes with it, etc. If really, it was about the peculiarities of the day from a religious standpoint, then the conversation would be more about charity and whatnot, than say, making getaway plans. I think.

Would you go?

Most definitely! I haven't travelled much, and one Christmas away from my family would do me more good, and no harm at all. It's just any other day for us, except for the wining and dining. So yes, I'll sieze the opportunity without hesitation, even if I had to pay a little of the expenses, haha.
