POBphotocontest New Round: CLOUDS

Hello everyone,

How are you? I hope you have a wonderful day today that is better than yesterday.

This is my entry for the POB Photo Contest New Round: CLOUDS, hosted by @friendlymoose

Check out the contest [LINK HERE]. (https://ecency.com/category/@friendlymoose/pobphotocontest-new-round-clouds-scdpy4)

POBphotocontest New Round: CLOUDS

This was the first flight I have had after not flying for a long period of time, and this was also the nearest that I could to reach the clouds, even though I was not able to touch them physically.

Seeing these clouds made me feel calm, and their colour, which was mixed with the blue sky and warm colour from the sun, was the perfect combination of colours that come from different characteristics. This teach me that we ll never found perfection into something on earth alone because i believe thats perfection is comes from different types of experience that we have or will be found in our life.

Thanks to this week's theme, which was clouds, that gave me another chance to learn about life.
