This prompt made me remember 2go. It was the very first social media platform that I joined; I might be correct. Very addicting platform. It was one of the platforms that exposed many of us to social media. It had so many interesting features especially the chat rooms.


Then there was the levels one attain8s he progresses, which were as a result of how well and consistently he performed. Almost same as the reputation thingy here on Hive. I don't exactly recall the names and ranks of the levels as they were, but I was at least on the third to the highest level(boy was feeling like he just arrived. Lol) before I don't know how it no longer was a sensation. It just ended like that.

Since after that, there has been an explosion of platforms from all corners, coming to light.; Facebook(meta), Twitter(X), Instagram, Tiktok, Quota, the most recent which is Threads and all the rest. Developmental changes occuring with each new day. And of course, I join in if the reviews about it are too exciting. I don't need to tell you how interesting and engaging these platforms can be. Beneficial even. I'm not a big name on any of the platforms I belong in, but almost everyday, I make an appearance. Even if it is just to breeze and see how things are faring. You can also tell that I miss those spaces when my battery runs out. I'm a phone freak sort of.

Permit me to say that, I don't have, neither do I belong to many social media platforms. WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are like my go-to everyday. The rest, I can afford to stay away from for long days without being bothered. The above mentioned frequently used ones serve better purpose for me. Like I can adequately handle any of my business using one or all of them.

I use all three mentioned above always but the one I unfailingly engage in everyday is WhatsApp. Initially, I had wanted to say that it's Facebook because I do a lot of reading from some nice writers and roaming around there but my engagement level is not as it is on WhatsApp.

Facebook is a broader platform. WhatsApp offers intimacy and therein lies its peculiarity. WhatsApp comes with features that I appreciate and the freewill to regulate who can or cannot have access to me. So you can be sure that the people on my WhatsApp contact list are close to me or people with whom I have business dealings. It's definitely not the best for business, learning, social networking and there aren't many rules one has to work by but it is the platform you can always catch me on. WhatsApp offers more privacy and control with some of the security and privacy features. It's very much easier to access too and to chat with.
And I enjoy using it for all the cozy, homely feel it gives. It just works better for me for everyday engagement.

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Thanks for stopping by.


Most people love WhatsApp for it's privacy, I am not an exception but I think I love Facebook more, it give us room to meet people beyond our contacts alone, if not now that scammers have spoilt everything, people have to be cautious while accepting friend requests, back then Facebook was such a nice social platform, you get to meet people from different places across the world.


True. WhatsApp isn't the best for social networking but the privacy I is one I enjoy


Yeah.. thanks for sharing with us
