The Hustle. Phone Photography


Every morning, Tade rushes out to the street in a bid to navigate to his place of work fast, with hopes that he'll have a good day eventually and return home feeling fulfilled for smashing the goals for the day. He journeys for about one and a half hours every day weekly, and the trouble of having to go out to the troubles of the day never stops to give him a headache.

Outside, there are many other people with the same mission, heading to different destinations, so it gets all rough as early as 6:00am in the morning until about 10:00am when the road is free again. There are many other issues that could arise like traffic caused by impatient commercial drivers, aggressive yellow bus conductors usually called 'danfo' in my country, and the seemingly calm men in suit and in their rides carefully plying their route until there's a sudden outburst which they could either wait or ignore as long as their life is intact.

Traders are neatly positioned beside the busy roads, and hawkers have strategically found a way to position themselves inside the traffic for hungry passengers who would urgently need their service. Tade does use their service every day.

After the day's stress, he heads back home to relax, but gets to the usually busy street to find it all silent. Oh! He got home late once again.

These pictures are mine and were shot on Redmi13C.


Life is full of stress, they say who wants to eat has to work. For one to cope with traffic in this part of the world, one must master how to wake early. God bless his labor and strivings to survive.


That the hustle pays off eventually is every Hustler's prayer.
