Transforming leofinance into a friendlier brand is possible | Name proposal

New name for Leofinance

A few days ago I was wondering if it was possible to create content in @leofinance different from the usual and for what it has been known from the beginning, (economy and finance) somehow I was sensing something subtle coming. A positive change.

I am an active creator of hive and there have been a few times that I have published in because I feel that my content does not fit the criteria of the community, I am very happy to know that steps are opening for transformation, and as I am a fan of contests I could not stay without participating in this one with a juicy prize and that has such an important meaning for @leofinance.

Foto de Iván Díaz en Unsplash

Before I say what my proposal is, I want to detail how I got to it, what were those thoughts that shaped it, and the research I did.

How did I arrive at my proposal?

Having as a base that leofinance is a web3 community and is built on the hive blockchain which is a social network, I thought of looking for a word that expressed these concepts, then I read the characteristics that it should have to inspire me and I looked for the concept of meta, yes I know what you think! Today we associate this word with the famous web2 network, but before they appropriated this term it meant the Spanish-speaking purpose, desire, or the end of a goal.

And I remembered the metaverse that can also be defined with the beyond, I thought about what is physically a network, a community, a city, a metropolis and one thing with the other led me to the concept of the word Metapolis which means an urban phenomenon that exceeds a metropolitan scale linking networks composed of physical transport and means of communication.

A metapolis can be a type of metaverse designed as a decentralized and interchangeable platform for users to create, experience, and monetize content. The origin of this term is not defined, since in Google several people appear as the first to conceptualize them, for example, Manuel Castells or François Ascher who was a French sociologist and urbanist, any of these people maintained the same idea, a term that refers to colossal cities that unite and establish a complete relationship.

As you can see I did my homework, I read and researched a lot to find a word that I liked and had a global meaning, but that's not all while researching I found that Metapolis is a fairly well-known word, that is, it is already a registered trademark as this which is a digital magazine and there is also an account on Instagram and the old Twitter network @themetapolis with more than 15 thousand followers, as if that were not enough there is a blockchain with this name which is a project that will allow users to create and monetize their content.

A little sad to discover that it already existed and after having invested a few hours of my valuable time, I decided that it could be called Leo Metapolis, but there is always a, but when researching I got that it could be misinterpreted as a city ruled by a lion that made me noise and I discarded it arriving at my final and unique proposal.

The name "Metapolis Leo" is a combination of the words "meta" further, "polis" which in ancient Greece was used as a political community that is administered by itself, the city, and also "Leo" which can remind us of the lion's strength, power, courage or the constellation of the zodiac, which is in the same space and universe.

I think the name "Metapolis Leo" is a good name for a platform. It is short, easy to pronounce, and easy to remember. I checked with several translators how it is heard for example in Mandarin language and it sounds almost the same as in Spanish, excuse me if it is not so.

"Metapolis Leo" can be pronounced in any language.

And with this I conclude, I hope that the reading has been to your liking and the name I propose for the new brand of Leofinance is in the favorites. Thank you very much for your support and if you made it to the end I'll wait for you in the comments, what do you think of this name, do you like it? Or don't you like it? And why.

Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator. Own pictures || Imágenes propias : screenshots. Gif of Cover Canva Banner Canva

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I like the name you suggest. It sounds powerful!
I didn't know about the contest, I'll have to use a few brain cells to make my submission as well.


Thank you, it's a name with lion power 😅

Welcome to the contest it's only for a few days, best of luck.


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