My magical wish for Christmas – LOH # 164 Contest

Photo by Jonathan Borba

Greetings to all, in this beautiful Ladies of Hive Community. Heeding the call of this contest number 164, today I return to participate. Here I share this week's invitation.

This time I will answer the second question of the contest: 2) If you had one magical wish for Christmas / holiday season, what would that be?

I could answer this question by asking for a personal wish to be fulfilled, for example, to have perfect health, a lot of financial solvency, great well-being, success, fortune, etc.; however, I think that it would be a somewhat selfish request, since I would only worry about my own plot of life, my own living space; when in reality we are all connected, we are all one, then, there is nothing better than making a wish that is useful for all of humanity, and not only for this present time, but for future times, and who knows, even for past times...

If God, the Universe, Santa Claus, the Spirit of Christmas or the angels and archangels, (or all of them together), could grant me a magical Christmas wish, I think it would be to eliminate something that generates a lot of pain, misery, destruction, annihilation, and not only on a personal level, but also on a family level, and even on a social, institutional and country level; and this would be: That abuse, child exploitation and pedophilia be eliminated forever.

I explain. Any aggression, mistreatment, abuse, etc. towards children, it is not something momentary, that happens and that's it, no, quite the opposite, these crimes generate indelible marks, they harm and victimize the most vulnerable, the smallest, who lack means of defense, who are at the mercy of bigger people, and many times, those bigger people are the ones who should ensure the well-being of the little ones, but who do not do so. Other times, it is strangers who attack them...

There is also child abuse on the part of the States, that is, the nation that the children inhabit, by not guaranteeing them their basic rights, their human rights, this, unfortunately, is very common and very close... Typify the types of abuse, exploitation and abuse, defining and characterizing pedophilia is not the topic of this post today, as it would be an extremely long writing; and although I have certain knowledge on the subject, I will not go into technicalities.

Every time a child is mistreated, exploited, abused, their development, their happiness, their peace, their joy are interrupted. This can affect children in various aspects: Physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual... the damage is devastating. Also, when a child is victimized, it may happen that he or she perpetuates that abuse in the future, that is, that he or she becomes an abuser or abuser. It does not always happen, but it is a possibility; and be careful, not all abusers, abusers and pedophiles have been victims previously, that is a myth. The truth is that an abused and/or mistreated child loses his integrity, becomes a poorly functional, unhappy person who can hardly heal his wounds.

Situations occur in which people reduce the seriousness of these crimes. Sometimes children want to tell their relatives that they are being abused, and instead of helping them, they look away or do like the ostrich, that is, they stick their heads in a hole in the ground, hoping that when they come out head the problem has disappeared, instead of facing it. At worst, they blame the children for causing them to be abused. On other occasions, this behavior is normalized at the family level, obviously, they are very very very sick families.

I believe that when a person experiences great pain, humiliation, abuse, they lose part of their essence, their soul, it is as if they were disintegrating (literally), and in children this is much more serious, because they are beings that are being formed. Growing up, they have no way to escape or confront this evil, which deeply damages them. And when these children grow up, it is much more difficult for them to achieve their goals, their aspirations, to be proactive or functional, and this is totally understandable, because they constantly have to deal with the pain they carry inside, that is what they spend their time and energies; well, as the saying goes: “The procession goes inside”, that is, they carry the pain inside. That's why I think that if these crimes against children completely disappeared from the face of the planet, that they were absolutely uprooted forever, forever and ever and ever, everything would be better and more beautiful. This would be a wonderful gift for humanity.

Here I end my post, where I have told you about my magical wish for humanity. Who knows if an angel passes by and says AMEN, and it comes true. A hug for everyone.

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  • The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.


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It would be a very wonderful wish! I can't believe what humans do to others; it boggles my mind!

Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!


Hi @elizabethbit!

Sometimes I think that God must be very disappointed in us, because of the capacity for evil that we humans have. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment, have a great day too.


I know exactly what you mean, but I also knows He loves us and is willing to forgive us. Unfortunately, there are some humans that don't care to change their ways and will remain wicked. Their outcome in the end will not be too good for sure.

Take care my friend and have a lovely day!🤗💜


It's a wonderful gift to know that in this world, humanity of wishing other people well still and truly exist. :) Thank you


Hi @nomnomnoodle !

Thank you very much for such a nice comment. I believe that if we all felt even a little bit of love and compassion for others, the world would be much better. Have a great day!


You’re so kind to have these wishes.
Hopefully they come true,thanks for sharing.


Hi @abenad

Thank you very much for your nice words. I also wish that this magical dream or wish comes true, that an angel passes by and says amen, and it becomes a reality. Greetings!


Wow sirena que deseo tan hermoso! se me erizo la piel al leer tu publicación, pues de niña fui abusada y conozco bien lo que se siente, mi fortaleza y refugio y el perdonar lo he encontrado en Dios, pero si es una marca que queda alli, ciertamente los niños son los mas vulnerables y nadie tiene derecho a opacarles y destruir su inocencia y por ende una gran parte de su vida, es un tema del que muchos no quieren hablar, pero es una realidad que afecta a muchos niños y jovenes y lo peor es que casi siempre los abusadores son personas muy cercanas a la familia, y a veces son hasta parte de ella. Saludos un abrazo! 🤗❤️


Hola @carisma77

Lamento mucho saber que de niña fuiste víctima de abuso, ese es el peor crimen que puede existir, y a estas alturas no sé si tendrá o no perdón de Dios. Sin embargo, me contenta que tú hayas podido superar ese trauma, y que precisamente haya sido Dios quien te haya brindado refugio y solaz, nadie mejor que Él.

Creo que hay mucha hipocresía en la sociedad, y creo también que revictimizan a los niños en vez de ayudarles y protegerles. Es un tema muy complejo. Considero también que se requiere más atención, más educación, más instituciones sociales, más amor. Cada niño debería nacer con un adulto a su lado, que le acompañase por siempre y le protegiese de todo mal, claro, esto es una utopía.

Muchas gracias por pasar a leer y comentar. Espero que toda herida sea sanada. Un abrazo.


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Children grow up scared for life. IT is incomprehensible that an adult human do such things to a child. It is also a terrible cycle, those who cause such abuse were themselves subject of that abuse, but it is no excuse to inflict that upon young another human life.


Certainly, it can become a cycle, an endless chain; however, humans have free will and conscience. Many abused people make use of these two aspects and do not continue being abusers. If a child grows up happy, protected, supported and respected; the future that that child will be able to create as an adult, will be beautiful and happy too. Thank you very much for stopping by to read and comment. Greetings and happy day @kerrislravenhill
