A picture is worth a thousand words. Devolver el queso/Return the cheese (Eng /Esp).

Return the cheese

This is my entry A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words por @freewritehouse.
I share the contest with you A picture is worth a thousand words

I invite my friend @purrix to participate


Photo property of @wakeupkitty

I was helping my children unpack and put their supermarket purchases in the refrigerator back in Madrid, when I noticed the fungus on the cheese they had just brought.

I know that things cost a lot in any country in the world and in the hope that they would not lose that money that they had worked so hard to earn, I told them that I would remove the damaged areas, put it in a little milk with salt and nothing would happen.

She immediately searched the internet for something she had recently read: foods with traces of fungus are highly contaminated and should be thrown away.

So he put the cheese in a bag, folded the bill and prepared to return to the supermarket.

But daughter, they are not going to change that for you, I told her distressed.

Of course, yes, mom, this is not Venezuela, here they respect the user, she told me with a firm and determined voice.


Devolver el queso

Esta es mi entrada Una imagen vale más que mil palabras de @freewritehouse.

Les comparto el post A picture is worth a thousand words

Invito a participar a la amiga @purrix


Fotografía propiedad de @wakeupkitty

Estaba ayudando a mis hijos a desempacar y colocar en la nevera las compras del supermercado allá en Madrid, cuando observe el hongo en el queso que acababan de traer.

Se que las cosas cuestan mucho en cualquier país del mundo y con animo de que no se perdiera ese dinero que tanto les costaba ganar, les dije que le quitaría las zonas dañadas, lo metería en un poco de leche con sal y no pasaría nada.

Ella enseguida busco en internet algo que había leído hace poco, los alimentos con vestigios de hongo están altamente contaminados y deben ser tirados a la basura.

Así que metió el queso en una bolsa, doblo la factura y se dispuso a regresar al supermercado.

Pero hija eso no te lo van a cambiar, le dije yo angustiada.

Claro que si mamá, esto no es Venezuela, aquí respetan al usuario, me lo dijo con voz firme y decidida.


Fotos con fuente identificadas
Traducido con google (versión gratuita)

Photos with source identified
Translated with google (free version)

¡Gracias por tu visita/Thank you for your visit!


Estamos acostumbrados a no reclamar nuestros derechos perro es un error.
Un abrazo amiga @sacra97


Así es, es una obligación reclamar un producto en mal estado y tienen que cambiártelo es un derecho sin duda alguna. Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo mi querida @mafalda2018


Yes, indeed supermarkets and quality shops will replace a bad item or give you your money back.
The same will a fabric do if you write them and show the proof.

But fungus on cheese is no problem. You can remove it and eat it.
We did because the shop wasn't nearby. I did complain later on. They told me if, I could take it back.

This piece of cheese was just bought at a cheese shop and especially sealed for me. Something went wrong during that procedure.



That's true, it can be changed. It was probably already contaminated when you sealed it, in which case it is difficult to detect. Thank you very much for the very interesting topic, everyone has different points of view. @wakeupkitty A hug

Eso es verdad se puede cambiar . Seguramente ya estaba contaminado cuando lo sellaste, en ese caso es difícil detectarlo. Muchísimas gracias por el tema muy interesante, cada quien tiene puntos de vista diferentes. Un abrazo


Always ask for the receipt, preferably check in the shop the items. What is spoiled or broken can be returned.

Thank you for joining pic1000. I hope you enjoyed Spain.


Thank you very much for the very interesting topic, everyone has different points of view, I learned that on my trip to Spain two years ago, there if they change you, here in Venezuela they create a problem for not noticing that it was damaged and they don't want it from you change, you have to claim a lot. A hug @freewritehouse

Muchísimas gracias por el tema muy interesante cada quien tiene puntos de vista diferentes, eso lo aprendí en mi viaje a España hace dos años, allá si te cambian, aquí en Venezuela se forman un problema por no fijarte que estaba dañado y no te lo quieren cambiar, tienes que reclamar mucho. Un abrazo.
