Fiction: The house of fright (La casa del susto) [EN/ES]

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The house of fright

It was a solemn summer day, the sun was rising in the blue firmament, and the heat was suffocating the souls thirsty for cold liquid. Charly was one of those souls who desperately sought to quench his thirst demoniac, he went to the kitchen desperate to drink a glass of cool water, and as soon as he lifted the crystal clear glass he heard music with all festive and cheerful, sounds that invited to witness the parade of the fair that came to town.

The colors were united with the joyful sounds in a fantastic surrealism, mixed with reality. People witnessed the passing of the caravan and Charly, a restless and curious young man ran out to observe the festive commotion.

His brown eyes glimpsed with anxious attention each one of the vehicles that passed along the asphalted street, at that instant, Charly looked at an image of an ugly and fat clown, with red eyes that seemed to jump out of the poster. That image made the hair on his skin stand up for an instant.

The merriment and the bustle had passed and Charly's friends were arriving to comment on that intoxicating and seductive spectacle.

"Hey Charly, did you see that parade at the fair, at last, this town will have some excitement," one of the friends was saying in a boisterous and anxious voice.

"We have to go, guys, the trip to the fair will be exciting, haha..." An infectious laughter invaded the boys, who watched the fair vehicles get lost in the warm horizon.

After a few days, the fair was up and running. The colorful lights invited people to visit the attractions. Charly was getting ready to go and have fun with his friends, it would be an unforgettable and very joyful night.

"Huter, Francis, are you ready to leave for the fair?" Charly's face looked with almost imperturbable gestures waiting for the answer from his cell phone.

"Of course, we are, Charly, we'll meet you at Mrs. Godinez's." Huter reflected in his adolescent voice cutting tones and undulating sounds.

The three friends embarked on the trip to the fair, ready to have the best night of their lives. The trip didn't take long and by the time they arrived, they were looking around the place. Their exorbitantly grimacing faces gave way to a latent sound. "Wow!" In unison, the friends expressed themselves, after seeing the show focused on seducing the senses.

"Alright guys, let's go to the roller coaster first, I want to try the big stuff." Charly raised one of his dark eyebrows.

"Sounds great to us, Charly," replied the boys ecstatic with joy.

They set off in the direction of the imposing roller coaster, on their way, something caught Charly's attention, he had seen that clown, with red eyes and a plump face, it was as if a strange force attracted him to that house monstrously decorated with horrible and frightening figures. Demons, witches, and goblins, among others, made a sinister delight.

Charly's friends took the lead and got on the roller coaster, while Charly, with his eyes lost in the game, did not hear the voices of his friends. He went like a zombie to that place and a sign said: 'Flopy's House of Frights' and under the letters, the image of the horrible clown who smiled sinisterly.

"Go ahead young man, go on, go on, to the scariest house at the fair. Dare to enter the dark recondite labyrinths of the soul," spoke in a friendly and appealing tone to the manager of the place, taking off his dark purple top hat, and pointing towards the entrance.

"Very well, how much is the ticket?" Asked with an energetic and adrenalized tone the boy.

"It's completely free for being our first customer, go on, go on." Replied the man with a gentle accent.

Charly made a gesture of thanks and entered the house of scares, his slender figure was lost behind the dark green doors. The young man did not notice anything strange and continued walking without worrying, at that instant a badly made doll pounced on his humanity, the boy screamed and then kicked it furiously.

He continued walking in that place of thick darkness and heard noises of all kinds. A ghost flew over his head, and then a skeleton fell and hung there.

"This is garbage, luckily it was free, I'd better get out of here," he said to himself as he looked near the exit at a clown, just like the one in the picture outside.

Charly approached and looked at the clown for a moment. He grabbed it with his left hand and pulled it aside. "Get out of my sight, you fool."

"Who are you calling a fool, you ill-mannered boy."

A pale hue invaded Charly's face, he turned his gaze and saw that horrible smile and those red eyes glowing with an almost incandescent glare. The young man began to scream in despair and run about the fright house aimlessly.

"Come here, boy, Flopy wants to be your friend, hahaha." A greenish, foul-smelling tongue came out of the clown's mouth bound for Charly.

The boy screamed as he ran for his life. Spider webs were tangled around his face and he could barely look at Flopy. That greenish tongue was closing in, and the dissonant laughter could be heard all over the place. The boy was being caught and dragged towards Flopy, it was a surreal scene beyond belief.

The young man was lifted up and as he headed in the direction of the mouth, he clawed at those red eyes. The clown screamed in pain and let go of Charly who ran desperately outside, screamed, and cried for help. The crowd watched the boy in astonishment and out of that sea of people came his friends, who controlled him and brought him back to his senses.

"Calm down Charly, you're with us, it's all right." Huter grabbed the boy's shoulders to get him to react.

"Guys, it was a horrible thing, I was going, I was going... To swallow that clown alive." Dilated pupils and a racing pulse made Charly delirious.

"Calm down my friend, it was only your imagination, you shouldn't have gone alone to that house, come on, let's get out of here" Francis and Huter were taking Charly out of the fair.

"This game is not for weak hearts, boy. Imagination sometimes plays tricks on us, hahaha." Laughed the game warden uproariously. As he put on his top hat his eyes turned red and glowed for an instant.

"Sir, sir, sir, may I have a ticket, please."

"hahaha. It's free, girl. Go on, go on. Hahaha."

The end


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La casa del susto

Era un día de verano solemne, el sol se plantaba en el firmamento azul, y el calor sofocaba las almas sedientas de líquido frío. Charly era una de esas almas que buscaba desesperadamente saciar su sed endemoniada, iba a la cocina desesperado por tomar un vaso de agua fresca, en cuanto levantó el vaso cristalino oyó una música con todo festivo y alegre, sonidos que invitaban a presenciar el desfile de la feria que llegaba al pueblo.

Los colores se funcionaban con los sonidos alegres en un surrealismo fantástico, mezclado con la realidad. La gente presenciaba el pasar de la caravana y Charly, un joven inquieto y curioso salía presuroso a mirar el alboroto festivo.

Sus ojos castaños vislumbraban con atención ansiosa cada uno de los vehículos que pasaban por la asfaltada calle, en ese instante, Charly miró una imagen de un payaso feo y gordo, con ojos rojos que parecían saltar del poster. Aquella imagen hizo que los bellos de la piel se le erizarán por un instante.

El jolgorio y la algarabía habían pasado y los amigos de Charly llegaban para comentar aquel espectáculo embriagante y seductor.

«Hola Charly, viste ese desfile de la feria, al fin este pueblo tendrá algo de emoción», decía con voz alborotada y ansiosa uno de los amigos.

«Tenemos que ir, chicos, el viaje a la feria será emocionante, jaja...». Una risa contagiosa invadió a los chicos, quienes veían los vehículos de la feria perderse en el horizonte cálido.

Luego de unos días la feria empezaba a funcionar. Las luces de colores invitaban a las personas a visitar las atracciones. Charly se alistaba para ir a divertirse con sus amigos, sería una noche inolvidable y muy alegre.

«Huter, Francis, ¿están listos para salir hacia la feria?». El rostro de Charly miraba con gestos casi imperturbables esperando la respuesta desde su celular.

«Claro que sí, Charly, nos vemos donde la señora Godínez». Huter refleja en su voz de adolescente tonos cortantes y sonidos ondulantes.

Los tres amigos se embarcaron en el viaje hacia la feria, dispuestos a pasar la mejor noche de sus vidas. El viaje no duró mucho tiempo y para cuando llegaron, miraban el lugar. Sus rostros con gestos exorbitados daban paso a un sonido latente. «Guauu». Al unísono se expresaban los amigos, después de ver el espectáculo enfocado en seducir los sentidos.

«Muy bien chicos, vamos primero a la montaña rusa, quiero probar lo grande». Charly levantaba una de sus cejas oscuras.

«Nos parece muy bien, Charly», contestaban los chicos extasiados de alegría.

Se ponían en marcha hacia la dirección de la imponente montaña rusa, en ese trayecto, algo llamo la atención de Charly, había visto a ese payaso, de ojos rojos y rostro regordete, era como si una fuerza extraña lo atrajera hacia aquella casa monstruosamente decorada con figuras horribles y espantosas. Demonios, brujas, duendes, entre otros hacían un deleite siniestro.

Los amigos de Charly tomaron la delantera y se subieron a la montaña rusa, mientras Charly con la vista pérdida en ese juego, no escuchaba las voces de sus amigos. Se dirigió como un zombi hasta aquel lugar y un letrero decía: “Casa de los sustos de Flopy" y debajo de las letras la imagen del payaso horrible, que sonreía siniestramente.

«Adelante joven, siga, siga, a la casa más terrorífica de la feria. Atrévase a entrar en los recónditos laberintos oscuros del alma», hablaba con tono amigable y atrayente el encargado del lugar, sacándose el sombrero de copa color morado oscuro, y apuntando hacia la entrada.

«Muy bien, ¿cuánto vale el boleto?». Preguntaba con tono enérgico y adrenalínico el muchacho.

«Es completamente gratis por ser nuestro primer cliente, siga, siga». Respondía el hombre con gentil acento.

Charly hacía un gesto de agradecimiento y entraba en la casa de los sustos, su figura delgada se perdía detrás de las puertas verde oscuro. El joven no notó nada raro y siguió caminando sin inquietarse, en ese instante un muñeco mal hecho se le abalanzaba sobre su humanidad, el muchacho gritaba y luego con furia lo pateaba.

Seguía internándose en aquel lugar de tinieblas espesas y escuchaba ruidos de todas clases. Un fantasma pasaba volando sobre su cabeza, después un esqueleto caía y quedaba colgando.

«Esto es una basura, afortunadamente fue gratis, mejor me largo de aquí», se decía a sí mismo en tanto miraba cerca de la salida a un payaso, tal cual el de la imagen de afuera.

Charly se aproximaba y miraba por un momento al payaso. Lo tomó con su mano izquierda y lo tiró para un lado. «Fuera de mi vista, tonto».

«A quién llamas tonto, chico mal educado».

Un tono pálido invadió el rostro de Charly, volvió la mirada y vio aquella horrible sonrisa y esos ojos rojos brillando con un fulgor casi incandescente. El joven empezó a gritar desesperado y a correr por la casa de los sustos sin rumbo alguno.

«Ven acá, muchacho, Flopy quiere ser tu amigo, jajaja». Una lengua verdosa y mal oliente salía de la boca del payaso con destino a Charly.

El chico gritaba mientras corría para salvar su vida. Las telas de araña se enredaban en su rostro y apenas podía mirar a Flopy. Aquella lengua verdosa se acercaba, y la risa disonante se escuchaba por todo el lugar. El muchacho era atrapado y arrastrado hacia Flopy, era una escena surrealista imposible de creer.

El joven era levantado y mientras se dirigía en dirección a la boca, arrañó aquellos ojos rojos. El payaso gritaba de dolor y soltaba a Charly quien corría desesperado hacia afuera, gritaba, y pedía ayuda. La multitud veían estupefactos al chico y de entre ese mar de gente salieron sus amigos, quienes lo controlaban y hacían volver en sí.

«Calma Charly, estás con nosotros, no pasa nada». Huter tomaba de los hombros al chico para que reaccionara.

«Chicos, fue algo horrible, me iba, me iba... A tragar vivo ese payaso». Las pupilas dilatadas y el pulso a mil hacían delirar a Charly.

«Calma amigo, solo fue tu imaginación, no debiste ir solo a esa casa, ven vámonos de aquí» Francis y Huter se llevaban a Charly fuera de la feria.

«Este juego no es para corazones débiles muchacho. La imaginación a veces nos juega malas pasadas, jajaja». Se reía estruendosamente el encargado del juego. Al colocarse el sombrero de copa los ojos se le hicieron rojos y brillaron por un instante.

«Señor, señor, me da un boleto, por favor».

«jajaja. Es gratis, chica. Siga, siga. Jajaja».



Sources of the covers images
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source 5
Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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Woah, Charly had quite an adventurous and, let's say, "haunting" experience at the fair. The story's eerie and surreal elements definitely made for a thrilling read. I was reminded to always stick together at these kinds of events, plus, I should be weary of free things, they always have hidden


There is nothing free in life, it must be paid for in one way or another, haha...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

Good day.


Oh, shit! He is the menace. Haha, scary places aren't free. The price you've got to pay is no joke, and Charyl learned that.


Thanks for passing and leaving your comment.

Truly, the poor boy learned a hard lesson. Haha.

Good day.


You are welcome 😁 and yes he truly did. Ahah.


Lolz, Charly's imagination really played a fast on me but everything looked real because I could play everything in my head. Good thing, his friends were there to take him away.

I bet he wouldn't visit the fair anymore and I really want to know what happened to the girl who went into the scary house next.


I say it, the person in charge of the game, imagination can play tricks on us, was it just his imagination or did it really happen, it is left for free interpretation. Haha.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

Good day.


Expertly paced fiction that draws the reader in and offers a satisfying conclusion. Kudos to you for developing an engaging read that horrifies without sickening. Nicely handled!


Thank you for your beautiful comment, I am really happy that you liked the story.

A hug to all the team @theinkwell

Happy day.


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