Fiction: Sir Pickle (Sir Pepinillo) [EN/ES]

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Sir Pickle

"In a kingdom far away, a story that was passed down from generation to generation, was the story of Sir Pickle, a brave, reckless and daring knight of the great Green kingdom. Who became a legend when his adventure succeeded."

It was a day like any other, the sun was rising overhead, bathing the great kingdom with its rays. The blue firmament was imposing, but a situation occurred that proved Sir Pickle's great courage.

Sir Pickle was riding in his wagon pulled by two friendly snails, which moved in the summer breeze, at that moment a cry for help was heard. Sir Pickle jumped down from his cart and ran quickly to the source of the cries.

When he arrived, he saw a group of white pickles trying to kidnap the pickle princess who was on her way to the castle of the Green Kingdom. The royal guards had been wiped out, slices of green pickles were seen all over the place. Seeing such a horrible scene, Sir Pickle pulled out his sharp slicer and ran to where the white pickles were engaged in a fierce battle.

After several minutes, the white pickles ran away seeing the deadly agility of Sir Pickle then approached the princess.

"Princess, how are you feeling?" asked Sir Pickle after making a respectful bow.

"Well, thank you very much for your help, kind knight."

"I was very pleased, beautiful princess. Allow me to introduce myself I am..." At that instant everything went dark. Upon awakening, Sir Pickle found himself locked in a cell. From his elongated, green body gushed a spray of fury and he immediately asked for the princess, "Evil white pickles, what have you done with the princess?"

There was only laughter and then a great silence that gripped the cold, opaque, musty walls of the cell. Sir Pickle searched the whole place, but there was no escape, it only remained for him to wait until the next day to learn his fate. In the morning, Sir Pickle opened his eyes to the glare of the sun.

He heard firm footsteps approaching in a hurry, it was an almost melodic sound. They opened the cell door and led Sir Pickle out to the execution yard. The white cucumbers placed Sir Pickle in a giant machine, it was round with six sharp blades at the end. Sir Pickle was placed under the machine. The pressure of the machine on Sir Pickle would cause him to be broken into six long pieces.

Sir Pickle had to escape at any cost or it would be the end of him and surely of the princess. The minutes passed relentlessly and the hour of truth was fast approaching. Sir Pickle's pupils were at the maximum of their limits and a shiver ran through his elongated body. The executioner shouted some almost intelligible words and activated the machine that began to put pressure on Sir Pickle.

Apparently all was lost and Sir Pickle felt it was the end of him. He closed his eyes and waited for the agonizing cutting pain, but at that instant, desperate screams were heard throughout the white cucumber castle. A high-pitched, loud voice was saying, "Aphids!"

Everyone started running everywhere in terror. There were cries of incoherent orders spoken in panic. The insects began to penetrate the castle and devour the white pickles. A fight for survival had begun. In that moment of chaos and terror Sir Pickle slipped out and ran down the path and found a knife which he used to cut the rope from his hands.

Sir Pickle went in search of the princess, after much searching he found a terrified guard who forced him to tell him where she was, while the aphids continued to take over the castle of the white pickles. Sir Pickle reached the royal hall of the white pickle king and saw the princess locked in a steel cage.

The green hero lowered the cage and freed the princess. Just as they were about to leave, the white pickle king appeared on the scene. "Where do you think you are going?" He pulled a kitchen knife from his belt. "I will not allow them to escape, you princess, you are my winning chip to claim the Green kingdom. Your pusillanimous father will do anything for his beautiful daughter. Haha..."

"No you won't, you'll have to fight me first, you white coward." Sir Pickle pulled out his knife and threatened the white pickle king.

"And who are you?, you clumsy talker."

"I am..." Immediately Sir Pickle is interrupted by the king who was launching into a surprise attack.

The white and green pickle were engaged in a fight to the death and the knives were dancing to the sound of combat. The fight was evenly matched between the two gherkins, then the door opened with such violence that it showed two aphids who were after the king, the princess and Sir Pickle. They were running as fast as they could, but the aphids were faster.

The princess, Sir Pickle and the king were leaving the castle and some white soldier pickles came out to fight the aphids. After this the three pickles hid in the forest and then everything calmed down. Once safe, the king grabbed the princess and threatened to cut her into slices. Sir Pickle didn't know what to do, he just hoped for a miracle. At that moment a loud noise was heard and the king let his guard down.

Sir Pickle took advantage and pounced on the king of the white pickles and hit him so hard that he left him semi-conscious. The princess and Sir Pickle quickly fled, while one of the aphids appeared and began to devour the king. The princess and Sir Pickle ran to the Green kingdom to get to safety, and after several days they arrived at the castle and were greeted with jubilation and joy. The king of the green pickles welcomed Sir Pickle and offered him part of the Green Kingdom to rule with his daughter the princess.

And happy were the Princess Pickle and Sir Pickle...

After a few months, a guard was heard to say, "Aphid Alert!"

"That's enough, boys, stop playing with the salad pickles." The mother scolded the children.

The end



Sir Pepinillo

«En un reino muy lejano, una historia que se pasó de generación en generación, era la historia de sir Pepinillo, un valiente, temerario y audaz caballero del gran reino Verde. Que se convirtió en leyenda cuando su aventura tuvo éxito».

Era un día como cualquiera, el sol se alzaba en lo alto bañando el gran reino con sus rayos. El firmamento azul se mostraba imponente, pero sucedió una situación que demostró el gran valor de sir Pepinillo.

Sir Pepinillo iba cabalgando en su carreta tirada por dos simpáticos caracoles, que se movían al vaivén de la brisa veraniega, en ese momento se escucharon unos gritos de auxilio. Sir Pepinillo saltó de su carreta y corrió veloz hacia el origen de los gritos.

Al llegar, vio a un grupo de pepinillos blancos tratando de secuestrar a la princesa pepinillo que se dirigía al castillo del reino Verde. Los guardias reales habían sido eliminados, rebanadas de pepinillos verdes se veían por todo el lugar. Al ver tan horrible escena, Sir Pepinillo sacó su afilado rebanador y corrió hasta donde se encontraban los pepinillos blancos enfrascándose en una batalla feroz.

Luego de varios minutos, los pepinillos blancos salieron corriendo al ver la agilidad mortal de Sir Pepinillo después se acercaba a la princesa.

«Princesa, ¿cómo se encuentra?», preguntó sir Pepinillo luego de hacer una venia de respeto.

«Bien, muchas gracias por su ayuda, amable caballero».

«Me alegró mucho, bella princesa. Permítame presentarme soy...». En ese instante todo se hizo oscuro. Al despertar, Sir Pepinillo se vio encerrado en una celda. De su cuerpo alargado y verde brotaba un rocío de furia e inmediatamente preguntó por la princesa: «Malvados pepinillos blancos, ¿qué hicieron con la princesa?»

Solo se escucharon risas y después un gran silencio que se apoderó de las frías paredes opacas y mohosas de la celda. Sir Pepinillo revisaba todo el lugar, pero no había escapatoria, solo le quedó esperar al día siguiente para saber su destino. En la mañana, Sir Pepinillo abrió los ojos ante el reflejo del sol.

Escuchó pasos firmes que se acercaban apresuradamente, era un sonido casi melódico. Abrieron la puerta de la celda y se llevaron a Sir Pepinillo hasta el patio de ejecuciones. Los pepinos blancos colocaban a sir Pepinillo en una gigante máquina, era redonda y con seis afiladas cuchillas al final. Sir Pepinillo fue colocado debajo de la máquina. La presión de la máquina sobre sir Pepinillo haría que fuera partido en seis trocitos largos.

Sir Pepinillo tenía que escapar a como diera lugar o sería su fin y seguramente el de la princesa. Los minutos pasaban implacables y la hora de la verdad se acercaba rápidamente. Las pupilas de sir Pepinillo estaban al máximo de sus límites y un escalofrío recorría todo su cuerpo alargado. El verdugo gritó unas palabras casi inteligibles y activaba la máquina que empezaba a hacer presión sobre sir Pepinillo.

Al parecer todo estaba perdido y sir Pepinillo sentía que era su fin. Cerró los ojos y esperó el agónico dolor cortante, pero en ese instante, los gritos desesperados se escucharon por todo el castillo de los pepinos blancos. Una voz aguda y fuerte decía: «¡¡¡Pulgones!!!»

Todos empezaron a correr aterrorizados por todos lados. Se oían gritos de órdenes incoherentes dichas con pánico. Los insectos empezaron a penetrar el castillo y a devorarse a los pepinillos blancos. Había empezado una lucha por la supervivencia. En ese momento de caos y terror sir Pepinillo se escabullo y salió corriendo por el camino encontró un cuchillo que lo uso para cortar la cuerda de sus manos.

Sir Pepinillo salió en búsqueda de la princesa, luego de mucho buscar se encontró con un aterrado guardia a quien le obligó a decirle donde estaba ella, en tanto los pulgones seguían tomándose el castillo de los pepinillos blancos. Sir Pepinillo llegó hasta el salón real del rey pepinillo blanco y vio a la princesa encerrada en una jaula de acero.

El héroe verde bajó la jaula y libero a la princesa. En el instante que iban a salir, apareció en escena el rey de los pepinillos blancos. «¿A dónde creen que van?». Sacaba de su cinto un cuchillo de cocina. «No permitiré que escapen, tu princesa, eres mi ficha ganadora para reclamar el reino Verde. Tu pusilánime padre hará lo que sea por su bella hija. Jajaja...».

«No lo harás, antes tendrás que pelear conmigo, cobarde blanco». Sir Pepinillo sacaba el cuchillo y amenazaba al rey de los pepinillos blancos.

«Y tú quién eres, hablador torpe».

«Soy...» Inmediatamente Sir Pepinillo es interrumpido por el rey quien se lanzaba en un ataque sorpresa

El pepinillo blanco y verde se enfrascaban en una lucha a muerte y los cuchillos danzaban al son del combate. La lucha era pareja entre ambos pepinillos, luego se abrió la puerta con tal violencia mostrando a dos pulgones quienes iban tras el rey, la princesa y sir Pepinillo. Ellos corrían tanto como podían, pero los pulgones eran más rápidos.

La princesa, sir pepinillo y el rey salían del castillo y unos pepinillos soldados blancos se dispusieron a luchar con los pulgones. Luego de esto los tres pepinillos se ocultaron en el bosque y después todo se calmó. Una vez a salvó el rey tomó a la princesa y amenazó con devanarla. Sir Pepinillo no sabía que hacer, solo esperaraba un milagro. En ese instante un ruido fuerte se oyó y el rey bajó la guardia.

Sir Pepinillo aprovechó y se abalanzó sobre el rey de los pepinillos blancos y lo golpeó tan fuerte que lo dejó semiinconsciente. La princesa y sir Pepinillo huyeron rápidamente, mientras uno de los pulgones aparecía y empezaba a devorarse al rey. La princesa y sir Pepinillo corrieron hasta el reino Verde para ponerse a salvo, luego de varios días llegaron hasta el castillo y fueron recibidos con jubiló y algarabía. El rey de los pepinillos verdes dio la bienvenida a sir Pepinillo y le ofreció parte del reino Verde para que lo gobernara con su hija la princesa.

Y fueron felices la princesa pepinillo y sir Pepinillo...

Después de unos meses, se oyó a un guardia decir: «¡Alerta de Pulgones!».

«Ya basta, chicos, dejen de jugar con los pepinillos para la ensalada». La madre regañaba a los hijos.



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Edited by Rincón Poético.

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¡Thanks for you reading!




The writing style effectively builds suspense and drama through details like Sir Pickle getting captured, facing execution, the aphid attack causing chaos, the fight scenes between Sir Pickle and the White Pickle King, etc. Thanks for sharing great story.


I'm glad you liked the story. It is always a great pleasure to receive such kind comments.

Happy new week.


Muy buen relato, lleno de imaginación, saludos


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

Good day


hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha, I laughed really hard as I read. The moment I Googled the meaning of aphids, I just could not help but remember our childhood days when we use to imagine different scenes and play with my siblings, damn, you brought all the memory back. I wasn't surprised to reach the end and see that it was the kids who were playing with their imaginations as usual.

I loved the story though. Sir Pickle went from battling white pickles to outwitting execution machines and saving the princesses and of course the whole Green Kingdom. Well done @rinconpoetico7


I'm very glad that it was fun for you, the idea was that the story would entertain and make you have a pleasant time. Haha

Happy new week.


This piece took me a few paragraphs to get into it but, once I did, I couldn't stop smiling. Your story was cheeky, cute, and well-orchestrated. It could have done with some editing of sentence construction, and punctuation, but was a thoroughly enjoyable read!

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well, @rinconpoetico7 :-)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment, always grateful for the advice.

Always a pleasure to post in this beautiful group, I feel at home.

A hugs @theinkwell
