We cannot go back in time- TheInkwell Creative NonfictionPrompt #54

We cannot go back in time

We tend to be like plants, we grow, reproduce and die. With the difference that some of us last longer than others.

As an adult, I married and had 4 children. The female, at 26, rewarded us with the first granddaughter we had and at 18 she gave birth to a son, named Simon Antonio. He is my first and only great-grandson. The day he was born, for my husband Efrain, it was a great happiness, that at 70 years old, he had his first great-grandchild. He stood at an altar of the Virgin of the Valley, which was in the Hospital, and thanked God for granting him so much happiness.

The child grew up. Under the affection of his mother, his grandfather, his grandmother, his aunt, his great-grandmother and his great-grandfather, who went to the beyond, when Simón Antonio was 2 years old, and by then he was a very precocious child, he calls me grandmother. Time has passed and today the boy is 5 years old, already in the last year of kindergarten at his school.

At night, before going to sleep, I tell him stories. One night he says to me:

"Grandmother, I don't want you to go to heaven with grandpa".
I replied:

"My love, God's timing is perfect, only he knows when I should go."

And he added:

"Tell him to take you when he is older."

With much gentleness I answered him:

"All right, all night long, when I pray to him, I will ask him to grant me to see you grow up".

One day when we went to Guaiquerí Park, we sat on a wooden seat under several Apamate plants with flowers of various colors: white and pink, next to araguaney trees, which transmitted a natural beauty with their yellow flowers like gold. There were also mango trees. Under the shade of these trees, we sheltered from the immense sun.

From there, Simon Antonio could contemplate the immensity of the river that crosses the city. Staring into my eyes, he said:

"Grandmother buy me a boat, when I grow up I am going to be a sailor, to sail with that boat on this river".

My cheekbones, of the complexion, of my wrinkled skin, blushed with emotion, letting out a laugh, I hugged him and told him:

"Give time to time you are still very small".

He caressed, my wrinkled cheeks and said:

Grandmother, why are your cheeks wrinkled, with the fan closed?
"Because that's the way life is."
He, with an innocence in his face, making me a request, answers:

"Grandmother, I want you to be young again and have a face like mine."

"I replied, that's impossible, we can't turn back time, all my skin is like that, because of the series of years I've had since I turned one year old until now that I'm 72 years old. Time does not pass in vain". I paused and continued:

God willing and time permitting, you too are going to grow old, and you are going to remember these words of your great-grandmother


Use the Deepl translator


No podemos retroceder el tiempo

Nosotros solemos ser como las plantas, crecemos, nos reproducimos y morimos. Con la diferencia, que algunos duramos más tiempo que otros.

Al ser una adulta, me casé y tuve 4 hijos. 3 varones y 1 hembra, la hembra, a los 26 años, nos premió con la primera nieta que teníamos y está a los 18 años parió soltera a un niño, llamado Simón Antonio. Que viene siendo mi primero y único biznieto. El día que nació, para mi esposo Efraín, fue una gran felicidad, que a los 70 años, tenía, su primer biznieto. Se paró en un altar de la Virgen de Valle, que había en el Hospital, y le dio las gracias a Dios, por concederle tanta felicidad.

El niño creció. Bajo el cariño de su madre, su abuelo, abuela, una tía, bisabuela y su bisabuelo, que partió al más allá, cuando simón Antonio tenía 2 años, ya para ese momento era un niño muy precoz, él me llama abuela. El tiempo ha transcurrido y en la actualidad el niño tiene 5 años, ya está en su último nivel de preescolar de su escuela.

En las noches, le cuento cuentos, antes de dormir. Una noche él me dice:

“Abuela, no quiero que te vayas al cielo con el abuelo”

Le respondí:

”"Mi amor, el tiempo de Dios es perfecto, solo él sabe cuándo debo partir”"

Él acotó:

“Dile a Dios, que te lleve cuando yo esté grande”

Con mucha dulzura le respondí

“Ok, todas la noches, cuando le oré, le pediré que me conceda verte llegar a grande”.

Un día que fuimos al parque Guaiquerí, nos sentamos en un asiento de madera debajo de varias plantas de Apamate con flores de varios colores: blancas y rosadas, conjuntamente con árboles de araguaney, que transmitían una belleza natural con sus flores amarillas como oro. También había matas frutales de mango. Debajo de esa sombra que producían esos árboles, nos cobijamos de un inmenso sol. Desde allí Simón Antonio, pudo contemplar la inmensidad de ese río, que atraviesa la ciudad. Mirándome fijamente a mis ojos, me dijo:

“Abuela cómprame un barco, cuando sea grande, voy a ser un marino, para navegar con ese barco en este río”

Mis pómulos, de la tez, de mi piel arrugada, se sonrojaron de la emoción, soltando una carcajada, lo abracé y le dije:

“Dale tiempo al tiempo aún estás muy pequeño”.

Él acarició, mis mejillas arrugadas y me dijo:

¿Abuela, por qué tus cachetes son arrugados, con un abanico cerrado?

“Porque así es la vida”

Él, con una inocencia en su rostro, haciéndome una petición, responde:

"Abuela, quiero que tú vuelvas a ser joven y que tengas la cara como la mía"

“Le respondí, eso es imposible, no podemos retroceder el tiempo, toda mi piel está así, por la serie de años que he venido cumpliendo desde que cumplí el primer año hasta ahora que tengo 72. El tiempo no pasa en vano”.

Hice una pausa y continué:

Si Dios te lo permite y el tiempo, tú también vas a llegar a viejo, y vas a recordar estas palabras de tu bisa-abuela.


This is a beautiful story that captures the essence of growing older and thus passing
words of wisdom to the younger generations. The interaction between the great grandmother and her great-grandson is a lovely scene to behold.


Life is a breath of morning air, it passes so quickly that one day we are young and the next we see ourselves decorated with wrinkles and gray hair. A beautiful relationship that you have with your grandson and you transmitted it with your words. Beautiful experience.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.


What a delightful read, full of soft humour that, clearly, demonstrates the beautiful innocence of youth. Kids can come up with all sorts of amazing anecdotes, and your great grandson seems to have a special penchant for words sparkling with the wonder of discovery. Lovely!


Children are amazing, I just love the way he was asking questions. Well, that's life, with time he would stop asking questions because he would experience those things for himself


The phrases you build with this story are powerful, and the message it conveys is exactly as the title says. We can't go back in time and think that we'll always be young. I loved all the reflection in this story.


Thank you for your comment. God bless you and have a happy evening.
