RE: Healer traits contest + some reveals!

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Awesome contest, here's a few of my traditional mixed with modern ideas and tried to generate AI using Gencraft pro to attempt an illustration cause I suck at drawing😆🙈

✅️ Headwear:


Would be great having a character headwear accessory as Celestial shimering hair ring wreath or beret or scarf or all with a central accent crystal for rarity or abilities forged by artisans. Healers with this crown gain insight into rhythms, enhancing their ability to heal & restore balance.

✅️ Eyewear:


Enchanted Crystal Lenses that change color based on the healer's rarity or type of healing. The healing energy within these crystals eyewear resonates with the healer's intentions, amplifying their powers.

✅️ Clothing:


Flowing Robes adorned with healing runes as a symbol of the healer's commitment to the healing.

✅️ Background:


A Forest with healing energy emanating from the ground.The ground pulses with a gentle glow, and the air is filled with the soothing whispers of the forest spirits. Healers who draw upon this sacred space find their abilities heightened.
