My trip to the largest waterfall in Europe "Rhine Falls", Switzerland - Summer vacation days in Europe - Part 2

I promised myself that I would finish writing about my vacation or at least finish writing the trip to Rhine Fall, Switzerland. The post was unfinished and unfortunately, I am not good at keeping the promises I guess. But here I am, starting to write the second and last part of the magical Rhine Falls (Schloss Laufen and Schlossli Worth Rheinfall), Switzerland. If you haven't read the first part of my trip, you can read here.

I denote myself lucky because not everyone gets the opportunity to experience such a beautiful location in person. The Switzerland-Italy trip happened last summer, during August and I would say it was one of the best moments in life I have experienced. Anyway, I already wrote about some details about the location, trip details and surroundings. Unfortunately due to the large crowd, we couldn't see the waterfall properly from the Laufen Castle side so we had to go to the Castle Worth side to see the waterfall properly. So, from the side of Castle Worth Rhine Falls, the waterfall is far and if you want to see the waterfall at a close distance, you need a boat ride.



After coming to the desired location, our first job was to catch the long queue of boat rides to the Rhine River because the queue was also long here. So, our group divided and some started waiting in the queue, some started looking at the map and boat ride price and others started looking here and there. The people who were exploring the surroundings, I was with them. Well, I knew after the boat ride we wouldn't have enough time to see the surroundings so first I did that and then I went where others were waiting at the ticket counter. We didn't get the group discount because we were a total of 18 people and the group ticket price normally counts from 20 people.

The ticket price costs per person was around 20 euros as far as I remember because we didn't have any discount code or anything, so we had to pay full price. After that we had around 1 hour before the boat ride so we decided to walk around again. I found a spot to sit because I was so tired after a long journey from the Netherlands and it was a very hot day. But yes, because of the river and waterfall, near the riverbank was not so hot despite the sunrays being hotter than usual.

Some of us from the group went to Castle Worth but I didn't go. My preference was to sit somewhere and enjoy the panoramic view of the largest waterfall.




I was looking for a less crowded space at least for taking photos but unfortunately, I didn't find any. Even I tried to use retouch and unnecessary object delete option but it didn't work out according to my expectation. So, unfortunately, I don't have any unique photos of myself at Rhine Falls.

Anyway as promised, I am going to write about boat riding because I already have written about the surroundings of Rhine Falls that I have experienced.


We also saw a little small-scale model of the entire Rhine fall area. But the picture didn't turn out nice because the glass was so dirty.



Fishes that are available in the Rhine (Rheinfall) River were written on this board; the water was crystal clear so we have seen some fish from the wooden deck as well near the riverbank. But it was restricted to sit on the deck but most of the tourists don't even care.


Finally, the waterboat had arrived and we jumped on the boat without thinking twice, we all were so excited. Each view corner was really beautiful.

Boat Ride



We were given headphones to listen to the audio about Rhine Falls, we took the English version obviously because the Ukrainian version was not available and the group was small. When the boat started, the audio also started. It was interesting to learn about the spots of Rhine Falls, and how this waterfall had formed over the ages. Basically, Rhine Falls was formed during the ice age, and over time its course changed and developed into today's Rhine Fall. 492 feet in width and 75 feet in height made this cascading waterfall in Europe one of the largest waterfalls. There was a large limestone cliff near the waterfall and people also can go there to see it. There is a viewpoint near the cliff from where the heavy force of the waterfall can be seen. source

To reach one side from another, boat tours are highly recommended. But there are also some viewpoints from Laufen castle side. Also, there is a sidewalk on the railway bridge but we didn't go there.

An interesting fact was when I came to know that the Rhine River is shared with German territory as well. At first, we took a tour of the river and when we crossed the Switzerland border, the boatman told us we entered Germany. The German side has small sand beaches where people were swimming in the Rhine River and sunbathe. We also see some private boats doing parties. The Swiss side was more like a residential area, I saw some amazing houses with beautiful gardens and landscapes. I also noticed hikers. Our trip was first exploring the river and then getting to the rock and waterfall and returning to the start point. It was 45 minutes ride.



During summer, this location is actually crowded. Even at one point, I was feeling exhausted. After taking some photos, I decided to enjoy the boat ride, sightseeing, and cool breeze of the river.

Finally, we arrived near the waterfall and as we went closer, the sound of the waterfall got louder. It was nice though.



When the boat started going close to the waterfall it started shaking. The force of the water from the waterfall was really hard to imagine. It current of water was so powerful that we couldn't even stand to take good photos. Even we were being told to stay safe and hold our gadgets properly. It was kind of a bumpy ride.

Now enjoy the fascinating photos of this beautiful waterfall. I have some videos as well but didn't edit them except one...


You can also see the viewpoint from Laufen Castle's side.





Can you spot the viewpoints and people?? Must be nice to see the waterfall from different perspectives and viewpoints. But our time was limited and we all were tired and hungry.


My one and only iconic photo with Rhine Waterfalls 😁.



Time flew so quickly and our trip came to an end. We had a light lunch at a restaurant at Rhine Falls. Food was expensive so we later decided we would do grocery shopping to eat something at night. Our next destination was Lucerne City in Switzerland.

I still feel I didn't enjoy much at Rhine Falls because of my tired body after a whole night's journey. I needed some sleep and refreshment also. Anyway, what I experienced was priceless. Not everybody is lucky like me in life.


That's all for today, thanks all for reading. Will see you soon...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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wow, this Rhine Waterfalls is beautiful. Love to explore this place someday. Thank you for sharing @priyanarc


Indeed it's a gorgeous place and worth visiting once in a lifetime...


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Thank you, you share something very nice with us, the photos are quite nice.
I hope that you can travel and see more such beautiful places and share more of those experiences with us.


Thank you so much for such a heartwarming wish. I hope that too. I have always wanted to travel, I have opportunities now, it's just my health is not cooperating with me...

I really appreciate your feedback, take care...


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