Taking care of my physical and mental health during an hormonal imbalance ~ Menstrual cycle. Loh Contest #155


Image from Polina

Every lady and woman goes through a lot which results in pain for them. Be it a headache, migraine, sickness, pregnancy, monthly menstruation etc., this causes mood swings in many cases. In my case, my mood changes when pain arrives and it affects my physical and mental health. I will only feel okay when the pain has subsided.

In the past, when I was observing my menstrual cycle, I used to feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and wouldn't feel okay till the end of the period. For some, they experience vomiting till the end of the phase while others have swollen faces, pimples and all of these disappear at the end of the cycle. Our bodies react differently and some won't even experience all of these which I feel they are lucky with such bodies.

The issue with hormonal imbalances has made a lot of women have a shift in their lifestyle and are always prepared for whatever may happen. Earlier this morning, we had wanted to go out when my sister advised that I use panty liners in case of any hormonal imbalance that may occur, be it through fatigue or stress. I had to use it for the first time because I have never experienced any unexpected incident except when I am on my period.

I used to know when my menstruation would come and so, I always got prepared so as not to be caught unaware which would then lead to pain and more sickness for me. One thing about my monthly cycle is that when it comes, the pain is always too much that I won't be able to endure it and this would eventually lead to sickness coupled with aggression through mood swings.

However, that has stopped since I have taken measures which would help me stay fit and healthy till the end of the cycle. My menstruation is only for 3 days and within these days, I don't feel any pain because of what I use.

The first thing is that I stopped taking sugary substances and this is almost going to two years now since I stopped taking sugar or liquid drinks that have sugar in them except for the natural one that comes from food. I am always scared of taking ice cream or anything that has sugar in it except for glucose so that it won't have any effect during my monthly cycle.

Another thing is that I eat lots of vegetables as it helps to reduce the pain of the monthly cycle. Vegetables are rich in calcium and magnesium which helps to relieve pains from periods. Also, taking lots of fruits has been helping me too.

Then, when I know my period is approaching, I take a pain reliever so that I won't feel any pain till I am done and my favourite drug is called "Felvin". I don't use any other drug aside from this so as not to cause any other problems in my body system.

I also try to clean my surroundings and home to feel relaxed in a good environment. Having a good atmosphere and nice environment helped me feel relaxed and relieved during this phase and has also helped me stay positive and not feel too weak. I do not engage in strenuous activities which could disturb the flow of the menstruation but to happen naturally and then go when it's time.

These are the ways I take care of my physical and mental health during my menstrual cycle to avoid mood swings.

This is my entry to the LOH CONTEST

Thanks for your time on my blog.



Hi there!
Some great pointers here.
It's key for women to look after their bodies and it's like a cleansing/purging period, when we do lose some key vitamins, which lead to fatigue and emotional imbalances. Thanks for stressing this:)


Yes, those periods are like cleansing period for us and we should be comfortable with them. Thank you for your comment.


I used to feel a lot of pain as well in the past but not any more. I do almost all you listed above except the Felvin part, though I have heard a lot of ladies use it.

Great you no longer feel pain during your period.


Do you use something else apart from drugs? How do you stop the pain from sufficing? Most ladies use drugs to prevent pain. But some says it has side effects especially during labour. Don't know how true it is.


I do use garlic, I will swallow about 4 cloves of garlic two to three times a week most especially when my period is near. That stopped the pain but when it was time I used to have a very dull mood that also stopped after my pregnancy.


Wow. Garlic? It's bitter that is why I don't like it even the smell. Lol


I read many things about Menstrual cycle as a student of science and I feel everyone should know about it because it's compulsory in my opinion. Today I learned some new things specially the how food habit impact in such kind of situation.
Thank you for sharing.


Food has impacts in menstrual cycle and one needs to identify the good and bad ones. Menstrual cycle is something sensitive to women. Thank you.


It is important to be mindful about how the body is reacting to different foods and also the environment. Good that you could do that and now you have been able to stabilize your days. Good tips shared by you.


Yes, we need to be observant of our body and health in order to take measures as soon as possible. Thank you.


Junky and high-sugar foods precipitate much pain during menstruation.
Surely fruits,vegetables and spices free food ameliorate that pain.
You may try some vitamins as well
