I fucked up and blamed myself for it ~ ENG/ESP

Scroll down for the Spanish Version.


Hosting an event in one's compound is always wearisome and stressful. This is something I am always avoiding but is there a way not to host any? It's impossible because one way or the other, there will be a party in your family; wedding, burial, anything. Just like me, we had a funeral ceremony which was done in our compound because it's very big; we also used the king's palace field for the reception since we are related and it makes it easier — the palace is just after our house and makes it comfortable to move around with serving people.

Though there is enjoyment in it, the fun only lasts till the party finishes. By then, you start the major work of taking care of the whole surroundings, making it clean again. It becomes more stressful when there are not enough people around to make it faster. Everyone in my family had started leaving until we were left with 5 people including myself. They already knew the task would be tough, so, they decided to leave to escape that. My big sis had to pity me because she knew how the workload would be on me. The painful part now is how I have told them when I would be leaving which is in the next 3-4 weeks as I need to enjoy myself but things have changed now and I don't think I would stay again because it's already boring for me here. This was where I fucked up.

My aunt is already old but she just loves to work; I call her a konk workaholic. Once you are with her, there is no turning or backing out because she will use you till your energy drains out of your body unless you are smart enough to find your way out which isn't always common. This is why everyone left because they knew she would use them. One thing about my aunt is that she doesn't care if you are a child, she would keep using you as she assumes you should have stronger power than her but it's not always like that. The power a 10 year old child has is different from a 20, 25 years old adult, but to her, they are the same.

But for me now, even if I tell her I can't do those works, she would understand because I am a big girl, unlike in the past when she felt she could control me anyhow because I was living with her. Today she sees me as a full grown lady and one who is capable of taking care of herself. Even if she gets angry that I didn't work with her, there is no way she would threaten not to feed me as I am above that and that the family now sees me as a Yahoo girl 😂 they think I have made a lot of money; thanks to Hive for making them think that way 🤣

I will be running away this weekend because I am already tired. I don't even have enough time to engage on Hive. I am the only young lady in the house and the one who would be doing the cooking and clearing the house without resting. I have one uncle who wouldn't allow me to rest too; I want to run away from them but the weekend seems so far to me right now.



This morning, after the family's devotion, I stepped outside for a jog which I did for 5 mins. I immediately swept the whole house and came outside to do the rest. Our goats have polluted everywhere with their poo and that was what I did next by sweeping the place. I thought I had finished doing that as I went inside to publish my post. Thank God I already prepared and drafted it last night and I only posted this morning. While on it, my aunt (the workaholic) called me out and begged me to help her. She doesn't need to force me anymore and now she begs me to do things for her, though I don't think it's necessary because I will still help her but what I don't like is using me till I can't breathe any longer.


That is my aunt sweeping part of the environment.

As you can see, we have cleaned everywhere. There is still more to do but I will dodge it. This is part of the reason I am running away. Though village life is sweet and fun, boredom is at a high level. There is no friend nor anyone to talk to, except there is electricity which keeps me busy watching the TV while also playing with my phone with the little time I have. I want to be on my own where no one would order me anyhow which will make me not have time for myself. I want to have my freedom where I can do anything anytime and be free, and not in the village where they keep sending me on errands here and there. I thought I would come and rest in my village but it is the opposite 😄


Just look at the image above, my aunt loves to work and will make sure she finds something to do. The only time she takes a break from work is at night when it's time to sleep and when it's dawn, she continues working. She even hired two girls to wash those clothes meant for her and my late Grandma. I kept sneaking away every minute when I was stressed and just like I said, she can't complain or do anything 🙃 It's good to grow up and become independent 😀

All the images are mine and taken with my Samsung Galaxy A14



Organizar un evento en el propio recinto es siempre agotador y estresante. Es algo que siempre evito, pero ¿hay alguna forma de no organizar ninguno? Es imposible porque, de un modo u otro, habrá una fiesta en tu familia: boda, entierro, lo que sea. Como yo, tuvimos una ceremonia fúnebre que se hizo en nuestro recinto porque es muy grande; también utilizamos el campo del palacio del rey para la recepción porque somos parientes y lo hace más fácil; el palacio está justo después de nuestra casa y hace que sea cómodo moverse con la gente de servicio.

Aunque se disfruta, la diversión sólo dura hasta que termina la fiesta. En ese momento, empieza el gran trabajo de limpiar todo el entorno. Se vuelve más estresante cuando no hay suficiente gente alrededor para hacerlo más rápido. Todos los miembros de mi familia empezaron a marcharse hasta que sólo quedamos cinco personas, yo incluido. Ya sabían que la tarea iba a ser dura, así que decidieron marcharse para evitarlo. Mi hermana mayor tuvo que compadecerse de mí porque sabía la carga de trabajo que me iba a suponer. Lo más doloroso ahora es que les dije que me iría en las próximas 3-4 semanas porque necesitaba disfrutar, pero las cosas han cambiado y no creo que vuelva a quedarme porque ya me aburro aquí. Aquí fue donde la cagué.

Mi tía ya es mayor, pero le encanta trabajar; yo la llamo konk workaholic. Una vez que estás con ella, no hay vuelta atrás ni marcha atrás porque te utilizará hasta que tu energía se agote, a menos que seas lo suficientemente listo como para encontrar la salida, lo que no siempre es habitual. Por eso todos se fueron, porque sabían que ella los utilizaría. Una cosa sobre mi tia es que a ella no le importa si eres un niño, ella te seguira usando ya que asume que deberias tener un poder mas fuerte que ella pero no siempre es asi. El poder que tiene un niño de 10 años es diferente al de un adulto de 20, 25 años, pero para ella son iguales.

Pero ahora, aunque le diga que no puedo hacer esos trabajos, lo entenderá porque ya soy mayorcita, a diferencia de antes, cuando sentía que podía controlarme de cualquier manera porque vivía con ella. Hoy me ve como una mujer adulta y capaz de cuidar de sí misma. Aunque se enfade porque no trabajé con ella, de ninguna manera me amenazaría con no darme de comer ya que estoy por encima de eso y que la familia ahora me ve como una chica Yahoo 😂 piensan que he ganado mucho dinero; gracias a Colmena por hacerles pensar así 🤣.

Me escaparé este fin de semana porque ya estoy cansado. Ni siquiera tengo tiempo para participar en Hive. Soy la única joven de la casa y la que estaría cocinando y limpiando la casa sin descansar. Tengo un tío que tampoco me deja descansar; quiero huir de ellos pero el fin de semana me parece muy lejano ahora mismo.



Esta mañana, después de la devoción familiar, salí a correr 5 minutos. Inmediatamente barrí toda la casa y salí a hacer el resto. Nuestras cabras han ensuciado todo con su caca y eso fue lo que hice a continuación barriendo el lugar. Pensé que había terminado de hacerlo cuando entré para publicar mi post. Gracias a Dios ya lo había preparado y redactado anoche y no lo he publicado hasta esta mañana. Mientras estaba en ello, mi tía (la adicta al trabajo) me llamó y me rogó que la ayudara. Ya no necesita obligarme y ahora me ruega que haga cosas por ella, aunque no creo que sea necesario porque seguiré ayudándola pero lo que no me gusta es que me utilice hasta que no pueda respirar más.


Esa es mi tía barriendo parte del entorno.

Como puedes ver, hemos limpiado por todas partes. Aún queda más por hacer, pero lo esquivaré. Esta es en parte la razón por la que estoy huyendo. Aunque la vida en el pueblo es dulce y divertida, el aburrimiento es máximo. No hay amigos ni nadie con quien hablar, excepto la electricidad que me mantiene ocupada viendo la tele y jugando con el teléfono con el poco tiempo que tengo. Quiero estar sola, sin que nadie me dé órdenes, lo que me impediría tener tiempo para mí misma. Quiero tener mi libertad donde pueda hacer cualquier cosa en cualquier momento y ser libre, y no en el pueblo donde me siguen mandando a hacer recados aquí y allá. Pensé que vendría a descansar a mi pueblo pero es todo lo contrario 😄.


Basta con mirar la imagen de arriba, a mi tía le encanta trabajar y se asegura de encontrar algo que hacer. El único momento en que se toma un descanso del trabajo es por la noche, cuando es hora de dormir, y cuando amanece, sigue trabajando. Incluso contrató a dos chicas para que lavaran la ropa destinada a ella y a mi difunta abuela. Yo me escabullía a cada minuto cuando estaba estresada y tal como dije, ella no puede quejarse ni hacer nada 🙃 Es bueno crecer e independizarse 😀

Spanish translation from deepl translator

Thanks for your time on my blog.



I hope your aunt finds time to rest. People that work so hard age quickly. Please run away o

Stress is bad for you


She only rest at night when she is about to sleep oo 😆😆 Before nko, I am running away soon. Weekend should come quickly 😂


Hahaha 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣, yahoo girl hahaha 😂😂🤣🤣...your aunt is really a workaholic, always working from morning till night..what a hobby 🤣🤣🤣

And she wants everyone to be like her
You guys have a big compound oo..so you will be sweeping this large compound everyday? Wahala for your waist oo 🤣🤣😂.it's good to be a grown up with money shaaa..your aunt should let you breath 😉...better run back to Ur place and be a free being..lol


As in ehn, she just love work work work...she doesn't get sick or tired like that. Sometimes, I wonder what kind of human being she is 😆😆
The compound is so big oooo. Chance dey for everybody. Lol

We don't sweep everyday oo. Haa.. we will break down oo if it was so. Lol
We sweep once in a while. I am running soon. I can't wait for weekend to come. I need my me-time please. Lol


chaiii you're very funny o. i can't imagine myself being under this usage catalog 😂 ewee.. I will just change my colour at once and everyone will hate me instantly 😂 for watin naw,
i sha understand these kinds of people like your aunt is, i've once had someone similar to her and mine didn't even rest at night, she can wake you up by 2 am to ask where you dropped a toothbrush 😂😂 damn annoying 🤣.
do and come back ooo please 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣 I remember when I was living with her, she was a dry cleaner. I used to pray that light shouldn't come in the midnight because if it does, aunt will wake me up even if it's around 1am to come and iron customer's clothes. Imagine ironing from 11pm to 12pm the next day without resting and nepa refused to take the light? Ahhh. I was more than surprised that day. She can work ooo. People are always afraid to come spend days or weeks with her. Lol


jizzzez😅 i would have burnt a lot of valuable clothes then😂
when I burn two to three senatorial wears maybe next time you won't bother my sleep again.
i always have my own wicked attitude towards wicked acts 🤣🤣


Hahaha 😆 consider yourself gone then 🤣
I dare not try it.


Lol international Yahoo Girl. Teach me the yahoo some na.

We all have that one family member who will suck the life out of you with work. It’s a good thing she’s seeing herself now that you’re not the little girl she raised anymore. Most of our African parents miss that. No matter how much you grow, you’ll always be that little kid in their eyes. And it’s annoying, because you do almost everything for yourself at that point and feel like naturally they should see that.

I like villages because of the landscape most of them have to offer. The environment is serene and beautiful. It allows you see things you don’t see often in our busy cities. But I’d run too if I were you. All that work definitely isn’t worth the tour. Lol


Omo. I am running away soon. She has drained me finish 😃😃 Though I love village life because of those beautiful environment and nature one would see. I have taken numbers of shots here which I love but I can't keep working my ass off here.
But wait.... I am not doing yahoo na 😑 😒 😃


Your decision to stay 2 weeks in the villa is now a turning point. 😂🤣🤣🤣. Please go back to city. I have people like that you aunt. Such workaholics don't even care if you're exhausted or not.

But my happiness is that hive have turned you into yahoo+


I added yahoo but you put + in yours. Hahaha 😆 😂 so funny. Thank God for Hive. I am leaving soon and will have my freedom 😌


You did mly do this lady well ooo... Your Aunt for that matter, haba..
What about if she was calling you to help her in sharing money, won't you be part of them?


I feel your pain😂, My Aunt is exactly like yours. Thank God she now understands you're a woman and doesn't force you to do things anymore


Lazy Nigeria youth, now you plan on running away. Hahaha. My dad is just like her, always looking for work where there is none, and I just act like I can't see him 😂. Please reserve some strength and don't break down. But wait, where are the village young guys, seems they don't know a city girl has come, I trust those guys with disturbing girls. Lol


Hahaha I have an aunt like that too. She doesn't know the meaning of rest. Always working all the time.

I seldom visit her and when I do, I will tell her that me I cannot come and die o. Nobody will give me award for best in doing housework.

So sorry about your situation sis. Abeg run if you can o 😃😃😃😃.



Well previous generation was hardwo and they want us too😂😂😂but we know tht we don’t wanna waste our energy so easily 😂😂


The moment i saw this compound i thought this place is the Village, cause that is the only place that has this kinda wide and calm environment. ☺️☺️Why dont your aunt tie the Goats instead of letting them loose,? She should be calming down with work ohh its not good for us to always over up the body ... At lest you stayed and work nahh good girl


Some people are blessed with the strength of 5 people and they also believe everyone must be like them.
Your aunty is like my sis who loves working without rest.
