Stepping on one another is unavoidable in life




Stepping on one another is unavoidable in life

Good day to you all, I know we are moving to mid-January, the year is growing and some will have resumed back to jobs.

Shout out to the freelancers here, we are one community.

Sometimes speaking bluntly can make you fall into the not apologizing category so do not worry about what is not important.

As we are now stepping and moving in life, stepping on one another is inevitable.

Let's now go back to the question.
If I choose not to apologize, it is because I have noticed something in the dealing that affects and you couldn't dialogue on it. To continue will just be a repetition.

But as we move in life, we mistakenly and sometimes knowingly step on people and they also step on is inevitable.

But what I will not let loose in a relationship is respect is reciprocal.
This is what I heard while growing and greeting is a compliment to cover it all.
If it is a constant discussion and respect is not reciprocated, I don't know.

Never take offence to another person's issue. You gossip, I would not like to be a friend with you, and I won't apologize intentionally, it is not everybody that will be friends so put something in place no matter the circumstances.

I believe kids will throw tantrums so their parents will look towards them on an issue that needs to be treated or if they need affection.

Grown-ups talk it out politely but if you have tried to talk about it different times but failed and you couldn't dialogue on it. To continue will just be a repetition.

I will choose not to apologize if stepping on another happens on any side just to avoid future inconveniences.

What are we relating to?

To ask for forgiveness and apologize is not a big deal to avoid drama and close the case at once.

Stay around!! , I am leaving on..

Just following up on the topic.

Shout out to the sponsors and the platform for the exposure and opportunities.

Thanks for reading through my blog.


Because of the differences that exist between people and a bunch of other factors, it is always expected that something offensive would happen at some point in our dealing with people.

We may be on the receiving end I will also be the one found to be offensive. When there is respect, it's becomes easier to resolve situations like that.

However, if the respect is not there and those involved and not willing to listen to each other, it messes up the relationship.


You are right sir.

Thanks for the point of view.


When there's respect, it is easier to apologise when you've truly hurt another person. Like your title, as stated, it is unavoidable not to get on others' nerves.
