Monomad challenge - BW - Photos from walks #2

I'm participating in the #monomad challenge with this post.

Title: BW - Photos from walks #2

Morning walks are my favorite. Even though I enjoy nighttime walks as well, I find that morning strolls are incomparably better.

We are set to walk to our favorite place as usual after our morning coffee.

We took a different path this time, the farthest to the park and lake. The need for a lengthy stroll was the key motivator.

A significant portion of the route is along streets lined with trees, other greenery, and sidewalks that are sufficiently separated from the road to minimize the effect of traffic.

We were considering the quickest route through Myanmar and Norway to reach Argentina as we walked. But the map seemed messed up.

We took a brief break to take pictures of the mushrooms growing on an overly-cut tree. The tree dries out as a result of the aggressive branch cutting that nearly reaches the trunk, and the decomposition of the tree is caused by the mushrooms that typically grow right away.

Graffiti is a frequent phenomenon, although it is mostly text messages, rarely drawings.

We headed towards the lake through the park and sports fields, stopping several times to take photos.

Thank you for stopping by and supporting my content!


Awesome mono images, I mostly do morning walks I find that the best way for me to start the day

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
