The 'Love The Clouds' Contest #200

Great lovers of the cloud, greetings to you all.

As the 'Love The Clouds Contest #199' exits the stage, it gives way to the fantastic milestone contest #200. What a thrilling sensation I have to be part of this historical round of the contest!

Each time I raise up me eyes and looked into the sky and sees the beauty and wonders of the creation in the cloud, I am marvel. Love The Clouds Contest is presenting me the opportunity to express my feelings toward nature through the use of the lens.

As I went out during the evening walk I capture some shots of the cloud as it looks cool.

In fact I am in lack of words to explain the above rocketlike cloud that seems to move with fire even in the cool evening.

Tilting my lens to a different angle I was able to capture this mixed cloud view.

Thank you @tobetada, for this great contest initiative.

I remain @oasiskp2, thank you for stopping by my blog and do have a great day.
