Photo By Me

I can't lose when I am with you...
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do

One of my favourite songs at the moment is Snooze by Sza. The song has this very catchy hook that's not just intimate but also reassuring, it is one of the few reasons I enjoy listening to Sza. Aside, from the profanity, there is an overwhelming aura of vulnerability in her music that makes me want to listen. She sounds like a woman who wants to love me.

Away from Sza and back to the song and what it means to me. Snooze is a love song that encapsulates deep emotions like desire, devotion, and trust. These are very rare things to find in a relationship because most people are just searching for (financial) security and picture-perfect partners to show off to the world.

People are afraid of being vulnerable with the person they care about the most in the world. I attribute this to years of trauma and failed relationships. For instance, I have also been a chronic romantic but there is a level of vulnerability I have been able to reach again. I love love and the idea of being loved and devoted to just one person but I won’t lie, I am a bit jaded.

The part of me that loves love still exists but it was lost somewhere within and that almost cost me my relationship. This is not a good way to act, especially to someone you love and know loves you back, unfortunately, this is what some of us become after life has thrown so many things our way.

The cares of the world can numb us in ways we cannot begin to imagine or understand. This is why I am big on people finding their person earlier on in life. Too many heartbreaks and disappointments can make you immune to love. Our biggest battles are against life and the things it throws at us. If we get hit so much and hard we lose that part of us that is sweet, sincere and loveable.

It is reassuring knowing that whoever you choose to do life with believes in you 100%. That is enough reason to show up for them in every single way. It also gives you the room to be not just yourself but also an amazing partner which creates a healthy environment for love to thri.

I am in love with an amazing woman who I will be marrying in a couple of weeks. One of the reasons for our union is the fact that I 100% believe in us. She fills me with this sense of certainty. There is nothing we cannot go through together. She is all I want and need in this life. She is my happy and safe place and I do not think or feel I can lose with her. I do hope I make her feel the exact same way because this feeling is immaculate.


Oh wow, I love reading posts like this. it's good to know some people still believe in love even in a loveless world.

I wish you a happy married life in advance and all the good things life has to offer.


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