How to make Carrot Cucumber Seaweed Soup

Hi everybody. Last weekend, I cooked food again. I cook to break the fast. Because I'm too lazy to leave the house, I just use the food I have. OK, my iftar menu this time is rice, beef tendon balado spices, and seaweed cucumber carrot soup. I already have a stock of balado seasoning beef tendon. I bought this on purpose if I was too lazy to cook. So, what food do I cook? I cooked cucumber carrot and seaweed soup. How to cook it? I will tell you this recipe. How does it feel? It doesn't taste like there are too many spices, like Indonesian food. But, this soup is suitable for breaking the fast. Here are the ingredients


1#. 2 Carrots 2#. 2 Cucumbers 3#. Onions, to taste 4#. 3 chicken sausages 5#. Soy sauce to taste 6#. Oyster sauce, to taste 7#. Mushroom stock, to taste 8#. Dried seaweed

How to Make

1#. Give the dried seaweed water. Leave it to expand. I use this because there is still quite a lot of stock at home. 2#. Cut the carrots according to taste. You can adjust your taste for cutting carrots. I just cut it lengthwise. Don't forget to wash the carrots first. 3#. Don't forget to cut the cucumber. I don't use the middle part of the cucumber. You can also adjust this to your taste. Likewise, with the cucumbers that will be used, don't wash them first. 4#. Cut the onion. You can use one onion. However, I only use the middle. If you have onions and garlic, it might add a really rich flavor. I didn't use it because the stock at home had run out. 5#. Saute the onions to taste. I use just a little butter for frying. Once fragrant, add the carrots. Thymus to wilt.

6#. After the carrots are wilted, you can add the cucumber. Then, add enough water. Wait until it boils. 7#. Also add the dried seaweed that has expanded. You can use just a little. Adding seaweed can add a delicious broth. 8#. After boiling, you can add oyster sauce, soy sauce and mushroom stock. Oh yes, for me mushroom broth is optional too. Because oyster sauce with soy sauce is delicious. Stir briefly until all the flavors are mixed. 9#. Food is ready to be served. I served it with warm rice added with nori. This is the perfect meal for breaking the fast. Enjoy and see you in the next story.


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I have lived in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on women and peace issues. I have been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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