All round the clock.  How every second defines my daily living.  


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It's always fun to partake in the weekly quest brought about by the Hive Ghana community on the Hive platform. As usual, the topics are interesting but I would love to write about how my typical day looks like.

My typical day as a young single man hung on so many things. Work, religious activities, business, sport and as a coach. My life revolves around this circle and it has been like this for years. Although by the year 2024, another round of activities might be included into the circle, which is, marriage and family life.

All the days of the week, all the hours, and seconds clearly define the type of person that I am as well as the direction my life is taken. I happened to work in the private sector in my country. Work resumes by 7 am, and as an employee, you're expected to be at the office, before work resumes. This therefore means that by 4.00 a.m.. I am awake and preparation for work has begun. Before I leave for work, I must do some exercises. I must go out for a road walk, jogging to and fro the adjoining streets before going out for work. From that moment till 4 pm when work closes, I am fully engaged.

As a religious being, I hold an esteemed position in the church. Basically, I must be in church before any program is successfully held. So after work, I must report to the church for the evening service which usually closes by 8:00 pm. In church, we study the word of God as a workman who needs not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth.

After church by 8 am, we then switch to a choir rehearsal session. This is another one hour of intensive song ministration, which ends by 9 pm. From there I will start heading home. To scale through all the traffic jams and manipulate my way back home, it's usually 10 pm. At home, I will have to freshen up, bathe, and eat. Going to bed most times is usually from 11:30 pm to 12 am. The circle will repeat itself the following day.

How my work schedule has impacted my life.

Reading through how my life has revolved around 24-hour time, one can attest to the fact that my life is arranged in a circle heading to a destination. That's why commitment and dedication to what I do is paramount to me. Destiny may be delayed but not denied so long as you're walking toward achieving it. Most of the time I use in making content in hive is a stolen time from work or most times when I am back from work before going to bed.

Knowing this has given me direction about life. At least when leaving the house in the morning I have arranged myself to face the challenges of the day with the hope of overcoming them.

This is how a typical day in my life looks like.



Hey there, our daily routine seems to be rigid and uptight, considering the distance you do cover daily going from home to work to church and then back home again just to have less than 5 hours sleep. How are you managing?


It's the sacrifice that comes with life. Most times you need to pay those sacrifices if you want to get most things in life.

Anyway, I appreciate it.


Your day looks packed.
Please find sometime to rest in between.


Huh such a stressful day i must say. You will have to atleast find some time to rest so u wont break down.
