Rejection and I🤔 || WEEK 194 [Esp-Eng]



Hello friends of the community. Happy weekend! Over here Saturday of being at home, yesterday we did go out with our friends and enjoyed a nice pizza, but I'll tell you about that in another post!!! Today I come to participate in the questions of the week, as always they are super interesting and I have chosen this👇👇.

How do you handle rejection, good or bad, and why? How has it affected you positively or negatively? Remember to use your own photos.


Well I must say that this is something that I have worked on, but I still can't get 100% that this does not affect me, and I think it all comes from childhood, I always seek the approval of my mom, the truth is few times my mom has said something positive about me, without first highlighting something negative, then I grew up trying to please her 100% in everything, and when I did not have such approval I felt that she rejected me, my attempt to please her! I don't know if it was really like that, or if it was just my perception! But the thing is that I have brought that feeling with me, and it is really hard for me not to take it so personal, any rejection that I get, it hits me, it hurts me and I can not get it out of my head for a couple of days, I know it's wrong, and I have to work a lot on that, but that's how it is!


In fact, to tell an anecdote, when my son was just weeks old, he wanted to be with his dad, he was almost the only one who could calm him down when he started to cry, and I started to cry too because I felt he rejected me and didn't love me 😂🙊 luckily I have a very understanding and kind husband and he knew how to handle the situation, so there is no doubt, rejection affects me negatively.

