How do I show someone I care 🥰 || LOH #172 [Esp-Eng]

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Hola hola amigas de la colmena, feliz domingo de carnaval! Espero que muchos esten disfrutando estos dias, por acá seguimos en casa, con la esperanza de que mañana o el martes pueda llevar a los chiquis a los desfiles, veremos si se logra!! Mientras, toca casita jeje un dia de estos las paredes me hablaran, de verdad no se puede estar tan encerrado😂😂 pero bueno, volviendo al tema, me sumo una semana mas al concurso de la semana asi que aqui vamos👇👇

Hello hello friends of the hive, happy carnival Sunday! I hope many of you are enjoying these days, here we are still at home, hoping that tomorrow or Tuesday I can take the kids to the parades, we'll see if it's possible! In the meantime, it's home time hehe, one of these days the walls will talk to me, I really can't be so locked up😂😂 but well, back to the subject, I join one more week to the contest of the week so here we go👇👇👇


** Olvídate del Día de San Valentín: ¿cómo le demuestras realmente a alguien que te importas? ¿Es un gran gesto, un regalo reflexivo, palabras sinceras o algo completamente diferente? || Forget Valentine's Day: how do you really show someone you care? Is it a grand gesture, a thoughtful gift, sincere words, or something else entirely?**


Para mi, uno de los actos de amor mas lindos es el de APRENDER A ESCUCHAR, y esto es algo que antes no hacia mucho, debo decirlo, pero luego aprendí que si escuchamos mas y hablamos menos, sabremos que es lo que la otra persona quiere, que le incomoda, que le hace feliz, y asi.. Para darles un ejemplo cercano, y dejando de lado el dia de san valentin. Pero enfocandonos en la parte de los detalles fisicos, el aprender a escuchar a mi pareja me ha ayudado a siempre dar en el clavo con los detalles, por ejemplo el año pasado vimos la serie The Punisher y el quedó encantado con la camisa e hizo varios comentarios de ella y cuanto la queria!! Pues yo para su cumpleaños le di esa sorpresa 🎁 y no se imaginan lo feliz que estaba 🥰

For me, one of the most beautiful acts of love is to LEARN TO LISTEN, and this is something that before I did not do much, I must say, but then I learned that if we listen more and talk less, we will know what the other person wants, what makes him uncomfortable, what makes him happy, and so ... To give you a close example, and leaving aside Valentine's Day. But focusing on the part of the physical details, learning to listen to my partner has helped me to always hit the nail on the head with the details, for example last year we watched the series The Punisher and he was delighted with the shirt and made several comments about it and how much he wanted it!!! Well for his birthday I gave him that surprise 🎁 and you can't imagine how happy he was 🥰.


Por supuesto aparte de los detalles fisicos, el estar ahi para el y mis hijos SIEMPRE es el mayor acto de amor que podré tener con ellos, siempre voy a querer lo mejor para todos, asi que siempre busco tenerlos felices, sobretodo en la parte de la comida jeje que tambien amo complacerlos con algo delicioso y ver sus caritas felices🥰🥰

Of course apart from the physical details, being there for him and my children is ALWAYS the greatest act of love that I can have with them, I will always want the best for everyone, so I always try to keep them happy, especially in the food part hehe I also love to please them with something delicious and see their happy faces🥰🥰.



El amor tiene varios lenguajes, y leer el libro "los 4 lenguajes del Amor" me ayudó mucho a descifrar tanto los mios como los de mi pareja, asi que si no lo han leido, sin duda deben hacerlo, y de paso les ahorrará algunos disgustos jeje❣️❣️ asi que se los super recomiendo!! Y hasta aca mi participacion🥰

Love has several languages, and reading the book "The 4 Love Languages" helped me a lot to decipher
both mine and my partner's, so if you haven't read it, you should definitely do it, and it will save you some discomfort jeje❣️❣️ so I highly recommend it!!! And so much for my participation🥰

Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en Canva

Photos of my property
Cover edited in Canva


Thanks for recommending the book to us I will try and read it.
It's a good to show care towards our love one's to keep them happy


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But focusing on the part of the physical details, learning to listen to my partner has helped me to always hit the nail on the head with the details

Listening is so important to make the gift worth it, they will always drop hints of a perfect gift which they desire. Thank you for your recommendation.


It's true listening is a great act of love, and spending time with our family and doing everything in love is great!
Thank you for your recommendation,, have a great day ahead!


Listening is a good form of communication that's so important in a relationship and also spending quality time also plan alot of roles as well.
Thanks for your recommendation


Que bonita Mili, se nota cuanto amas a tu familia y cuan importantes son para ti. Estoy muy de acuerdo contigo con que uno debe aprender a escuchar a la otra persona, creo que es clave para toda relación 💕
