A house without flowers but like heaven to me.


We all have different cultures that we bring from the environment where we were born or where we grew up. Indonesia is a very densely populated country where currently the land for residential areas is very limited so now a lot of land is being sold per plot with limited sizes, like the land in my new house for example which is only being sold with a size of 5 x 13 meters, we can bought it for a large amount but luck was only on my side to buy the land only 2 times so that the area of ​​my land was only 10 x 13 meters. With that size of land I can build my house and a little front yard.

And usually my neighbors use the land in front of their house with various colored flowers that beautify their house, but not the land in front of my house which I planted with various kinds of plants that are useful for me. And I will show you what is in front of my house as a mini garden which is very useful for me

1. Aloe vera
I often use the aloe vera in my front yard to make drinks and care for my hair so it doesn't fall out. How to care for aloe vera is quite easy, we just need to move the flower children so that the aloe vera can have large fronds

2. Kedondong fruit
The kedondong fruit in front of my house is a small fruit so soon I can pick this fruit and make it into spicy fruit salad.

3. Katuk leaves
Katuk leaves are very delicious when mixed with vegetables and are very beneficial for breastfeeding mothers to increase breast milk. And I have several trees that I often vegetable with (I forgot to take a photo)

4. Chili
Even though my chilies are now affected by disease, as a housewife I rarely buy chilies, and these chilies can meet my daily needs to make my cooking menus every day

5. Papaya fruit
This papaya fruit has produced a lot of fruit and I have shared it with all my closest friends and family so that they can taste the results of my garden too. However, when I looked last afternoon, my papaya fruit was infected with mold and had to be cleaned immediately so it wouldn't rot later. And this papaya tree is a tree that is the favorite for every guest who comes. Every guest who comes always wants my papaya to be used as a souvenir when they go home and I don't mind that.

6. Mango
The type of mango in front of my house has a sweet fruit with thick flesh and thin seeds

7. Turmeric
This turmeric tree is very useful for both its leaves and tubers. And I often use the tubers to make herbal medicine.

8. Grapes.
I don't have the slightest experience in growing grapes. Hopefully it will bear fruit later.

All these plants are very useful for me and apart from the mango tree, all the trees in front of my house are not annual trees whose roots will touch the house and can damage the foundation of the house, considering that my house is very close to my mini garden.
What other plants do you think I can plant to fill the void in front of my house?
Let's exchange ideas, greetings from me, Maytom, Indonesia. and keep following my posts, friends.


I like your garden, it is good to plant fruits and vegetables for one's own sustenance, and you guarantee a healthy diet. Greetings🌱🌴🍒🌶
