Love and control.. LOH # 173

My dear ladies, I hope you are well, it is a pleasure to be here again, and to be able to share with all my answers to the very interesting questions that our friend @jane1289 brings us, questions that generate a lot of controversy, and make us reflect and think. in many lived experiences, or at least that is my case. Let's get started.

1️⃣ The month of love is still in the air. As a woman, what do you consider more: careful decisions about who to love or the freedom to be spontaneous about it? Do you worry more about the present moments or the future results of your decisions? Because?

I think it is experience that teaches you to think and be careful when choosing who to love, when we are inexperienced in this matter of love, normally when we are young, many mistakes are made, which usually leave indelible scars, some women They are luckier and maybe they hit the target, or Cupid does his job well haha, and they find their better half, despite having made decisions impulsively, but, I believe and from what I have experienced that a high percentage of As women, when we act spontaneously, and we don't want to see beyond our feelings, sometimes things don't usually go well, so, due to my personal experience, I could tell you that it is much better to take things calmly, and When it comes to making a decision as important as it is, who we are going to love, listen to our heart, but also to our brain.

The decisions we make in this life will give us good moments and some not very good ones, and these moments will be the result of these actions, so I think it is important to live fully in the present, in the now, to make the decisions that we have to. take, if we fall, get up and continue, live, over time the lessons that some of these experiences leave us are learned, learn from the bad moments, and enjoy the good ones, for this reason, I try to worry 100% about the present, and in the future not to stumble over the same stone, the results of our decisions today will always accompany us in the future, it is something that we cannot change, so, personally, and as I said to the .beginning, after having lived, and gone through so many things, and having the experience, I now know that I must go calmly, close cycles, start anew each day, not make decisions lightly, think a little before acting , and not make the same mistakes, life is now, there is no tomorrow, enjoy and love, with control.


That's it for my participation this week, delighted to address this topic, and to be able to share it with everyone, may love always be present in their lives, until next time. Blessings.

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Hola, tienes razón,cuando somos jóvenes tomamos decisiones a la ligera y tomarnos al amor de manera apresurada (por experiencia propia), creo que soy de las mujeres que hablas que corrió con suerte, gracias a Dios.


Hola amiga, jaja que bueno que tuviste suerte, ojala cuando se es joven, pensaramos como pensamos ahora.. Abrazos, gracias por pasar.


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it is important to live fully in the present, in the now, to make the decisions that we have to. take, if we fall, get up and continue, live, over time the lessons that some of these experiences leave us are learned, learn from the bad moments, and enjoy the good ones,

We truly have different opinions regarding the matter and personal choices. But I like how you define yours here. We all, of course, want our future to be good. Who doesn't want it right? But as you said, as can't change what will happen because of our present actions. So yes, in case we fall, we just need to learn to get up and learn the lessons that could bring to the future to make a better change.



That's how it is my friend, moving forward despite the setbacks. Thanks for stopping by, hugs.💕


Decisiones importantes y a veces no nos detenemos a pensarlas bien y no escuchamos consejos de viejos, ellos saben por algo. Un gran abrazo.


That's how it is my dear Sacra, I would have liked to think like that 20 years ago hahaha. Hugs, thanks for the support.💕


It usually happens and that's why maturity comes. A hug
