[ENG] [ESP] 🌊I have a thing for Tanjiro | Tanjiro me gusta bastante🔥

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Hey there, Hive!✨

The beautiful community of The Anime Realm has proposed a new contest which of course I couldn't let went by, since talking about my favorite anime character made me think about which character has actually stole my heart. It took me some work to decide, I won't lie, but I have to choose the noble Tanjiro, so keep reading my post to find out why.


Why do I like Kamado Tanjiro? What makes him special?

I believe that a character can be genuinely noble and empathetic without lacking strength and strongly established principles, with clear convictions that do not allow anyone to corrupt. That's Tanjiro. Surely there will be other characters who can also fit into the category of benevolent hero, but what for me differentiates Tanjiro from the rest of the heroes is that he is not good but stupid, but rather he is intelligent and calculating. When he must defend someone he does not do it impulsively, but rather he weighs his actions to determine what would be the best option.

Yes, he follows the hero's path in a rather cliché way but he knows that this comes with a responsibility that he never takes lightly. From the beginning of the story, Tanjiro is already a mature character aware of his own decisions and how they affect his life as well as the lives of others around him.

Another of his characteristics is that he is incredibly perseverant, he does not give up under any circumstances since his ideals are stronger than adversity. He knows that he must make an effort and give his best to be able to obtain what he is looking for, but that is not a decision taken lightly either, quite the opposite, he knows that he is going to suffer a lot. So he accepts it.

It's not that his spirit is unbreakable, in fact he is quite an emotionally sensitive person. We can see in several scenes that his strength pales, his will falters since the burden is too strong, but with effort he rethinks his goals and objectives in order to move forward in his battle. After all, having strength of spirit is not about not doubting, but the fact that despite this you can refocus on keep going.

It also seems to me that one of the obvious examples of his good essence is that despite all the horrendous things he experiences in his story, he makes sure to treat everyone around him well. Not only to known people, but also to his enemies. Tanjiro knows how to appreciate the glimpse of goodness in those who seem to be completely evil. He knows that in bad things there are good parts, just as in good things not everything is completely like that. He therefore sees the suffering masked in the violence of his enemies, for whom in their last breath he always dedicates a few words of empathy, always wishing them well.



I think that all these issues make Tanjiro a very endearing and unforgettable character, since with his tenderness he wins your heart and with his great resilience he wins your admiration. Although he is to some extent the typical hero, he is not naive and he is intelligent, so his actions are always useful. Despite being emotional, he does not get carried away by the spur of the moment, so this is how he logically saves the situation most of the time.

However, he is a more human hero, who feels, gets excited, makes mistakes... Tanjiro is an example from whom you can learn many things. So if you haven't seen Kimetsu No Yaiba I invite you to take a look, maybe you'll end up falling in love with this character as much as I do.


Thank you so much for reading my post! 🖤 Feel free to leave a comment. Also I want to invite @eldiariodelys @omarqm to participate


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Cover edited by me on Canva using this images: 1 2 3 4 5. Banners also made on Canva and its copyright free elements



¡Hola, Hive!✨

La bonita comunidad de The Anime Realm ha propuesto un nuevo concurso que por supuesto no podía dejar pasar, puesto que hablar sobre mi personaje favorito del anime me hizo reflexionar sobre cuál es ese personaje que se robó mi corazón. Me costó algo de trabajo decidirme, no les mentiré, pero tengo que elegir al noble de Tanjiro, así que quédate leyendo mi post para saber porqué.


¿Por qué me gusta Kamado Tanjiro? ¿Qué lo hace especial?

Considero que un personaje puede ser genuinamente noble y empático sin carecer de fuerza y principios fuertemente establecidos, con convicciones claras que no dejan que nadie corrompa. Ese es Tanjiro. Seguramente habrá otros personajes que igualmente pueden encajar en la categoría de héroe benevolente, pero lo que para mí diferencia a Tanjiro del resto de héroes es que él no es bueno pero tonto, sino que es inteligente y calculador. Cuando debe defender a alguien no lo hace de forma impulsiva, sino que sopesa sus acciones para así determinar cuál sería la mejor opción.

Sí, sigue el curso del héroe de forma bastante cliché pero sabe que esto conlleva una responsabilidad que en ningún momento se toma a la ligera. Desde el inicio de la historia Tanjiro ya es un personaje maduro consciente de sus propias decisiones y de cómo afectan su vida así como la de los demás que lo rodean.

Otra de sus características es que es increíblemente perseverante, no se rinde en ninguna circunstancia puesto que sus ideales son más fuertes que la adversidad. Sabe que debe esforzarse y entregar todo lo mejor de sí para poder obtener aquello que busca, pero eso tampoco es una decisión tomada a la ligera, por el contrario, sabe que va a sufrir mucho. Así lo acepta.

No es que su espíritu sea inquebrantable, de hecho es una persona bastante sensible emocionalmente. Podemos ver en varias escenas que su fuerza palidece, su voluntad flaquea puesto que la carga es demasiado pesada, pero con esfuerzo se vuelve a plantear sus metas y objetivos para así seguir adelante en su batalla. Después de todo tener fuerza de espíritu no es no dudar, sino que a pesar de ello puedes volver a centrarte en continuar.

También me parece que una de las muestras obvias de su buena esencia es que a pesar de todo lo horrendo que vive en su historia, se asegura de tratar bien a todos quienes lo rodean. No solo a personas conocidas, sino también a sus enemigos. Tanjiro sabe apreciar los destellos de bondad en aquellos que parecen ser completamente malos. Él sabe que en lo malo hay partes buenas, así como en lo bueno no todo es completamente así. Por lo tanto ve el sufrimiento enmascarado en la violencia de sus enemigos, por quienes en su último aliento siempre dedica unas palabras de empatía, deseándoles bien siempre.



Creo que todas estas cuestiones hacen a Tanjiro un personaje muy entrañable e inolvidable, puesto que con su ternura se gana tu corazón y con su gran resiliencia se gana tu admiración. Aunque sea hasta cierto punto el típico héroe no es ingenuo además es inteligente, por lo que sus acciones siempre son útiles. A pesar de ser emocional no se deja llevar por el arrebato del momento, por lo que es así como tiene lógica que la mayoría de las veces salva la situación.

Sin embargo, es un héroe más humano, que siente, se emociona, se equivoca... Tanjiro es un ejemplo del que se puede aprender muchas cosas. Por lo que si no has visto Kimetsu No Yaiba te invito a darle un vistazo, quizá termines enamorado de éste personaje tanto como yo.


¡Muchas gracias por leer mi post! 🖤 Siéntete libre de dejar cualquier comentario. También quiero invitar a @eldiariodelys @omarqm a participar


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Portada editada por mí en Canva usando estas imágenes: 1 2 3 4 5. Banners hechos también en Canva y sus elementos libres de copyright


I didn't watch the anime, but it's very famous so I know something about Tanjiro and even though I haven't watched his anime I admit that I really like this character, and I don't know anything about him hahaha it's like they say "love at first sight" 😂

I really like his design and also I got some spoilers that made me know some of his story and he really seems to be a great character and from what you mention, he is ❤️

Wasn't it hard to choose? haha they made it difficult for us with this topic 😂


I believe that if you watch the anime you will get the same feeling like "love at first sight". He is a truly gorgeous character that you fell in love with immediately since the very first chapter because he is so noble and he truly is a sweetheart.

So you'll like him even more if you get to watch the anime. You will definitely enjoy the story as well because he's a great character with a great story.

And yes it was so so hard to just just one character because I love so many 😅. But I guess that Tanjiro is the one that stole my heart because I even have a t-shirt of his face so I had to choose him hahaha

Thank you so much for reading and thank you so much for inviting me to this contest🖤


Tanjiro empathizes even with those who are supposed to be his enemies, he really is a sweetheart


Totally. He has a very big and noble heart❤️.

Thank you so much for reading!


I have to agree that Tanjiro is one mature anime MC that really carried the heroic role admirably.

A hero who's selfish actions cause little to no trouble due to his ability to weigh outcomes is bae💕✨


I totally agree, Tanjiro definitely is one of the best heroes out there. You can't help to love him 💕

Thank you so much for reading ✨


en esta casa amamos a tanyiro, yo quiero un hermano asi!!
