Compliments of the season, people!
The most anticipated season is upon us. Time flies by so fast, doesn’t it? Yesterday was only the first day in the month of June, and tomorrow is already Christmas day.
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas around here. With this soothing, dry-harmattan dusty smell, the knockouts and all the market rush and all the traveling. The roads are busy, motor parks are crowded, and transport fares have gone up. People aren't even complaining much. It's the season.
I would be spending the time with my family, at my parents' place - our family home. Contrary to how we always used to travel back to the village, it wouldn't be so this time. We all would be at the house in the city.
The day before yesterday, after procrastinating my trip for over a week, I finally put myself and my things together and hit the road heading home. I left my place late in the afternoon (my trips are mostly like that. I start out late in the day and always end up getting home really late at night). However the reasons that I couldn't leave earlier were that my phone battery died and I cannot travel with low battery so I had to go somewhere to get it charged, and, two, I was going back with some heavy appliances and other stuff which I struggled with arranging and mentally calculating how well I would fare with all the load.
I managed to get everything together. I got to the bus park, paid my fare, and waited for all the loading and evrry other thing that drivers need to do. Due to the season, I did not get to spend so much time at the park cause many people were traveling, too. Long story short, by 7 p.m., we were still on the road. In a different state, so, I just called my cousin, who lived in the state to say he should come pick me up. I didn't continue the trip. It was too late. If I had less luggage, I would have. But knowing that we could get to my destination by around 10 p.m., I knew I couldn't manage.
I should have made the trip home yesterday, but me being me, I didn't. My siblings say they would not be surprised if I said that I was at the village since it's not a long distance from here. I won't lie. It has crossed my mind to just pop in there and pop out. Me being me, again, that pattern wouldn't work. It will take so much for me to leave the village when I step in there. I'm just a village boy. Lol.
Today, I'd be making the trip home. My sister has been buzzing my phone. She can't wait to have me home and from all that I know plus what she's told me, it would be a very interesting holiday. I look forward to being home and eating and drinking and enjoying with family. I have plans to catch up with some of my friends. I will be visiting a few relatives and maybe my bosses. There are a number of things I plan to do, and I look forward to them. I'm excited!
I hope that this was interesting to read. Thank you for coming around.