27 March 2024 mariannewest's! Freewrite Dailyprompt 2324: The 11th Dimension!


It's #Dailyprompt by the @daily.prompt, from the @freewritehouse
The 11th dimension is a theoretical construct on the basis of theoretical physics, postulated as an additional extension to ten-dimensional model proposed by superstring theory. According to the speculation mentioned above the 11th dimension is believed to exist alongside the ten dimensions of space and time that are known within the span of the universe. This place is imagined as a location where every possible turned out realities and all versions of the universe are together existing, having each point in our perceived reality as the beginning of a branch. This principle, similar to the pursuit of a unified theory of everything, is responsible for trying to bring the fundamental forces of nature together and to explaining how the universe works at its most basic level. Nevertheless, the 11th dimension remains in principle a pure mathematical theory with no empirical observations or verifications, and, as a result, can productively be considered only within the realms of abstract knowledge and scientific speculation.
