How has having a sense of humor worked for you throughout life?


Good evening dear hivers, I hope you have had an unforgettable Friday, today I once again join the challenge of our friend @galenkp among all his proposals, the one that drew the most attention was the one with which I felt most identified, below I share with you my point of view regarding the following question...

How has having a sense of humor worked for you throughout life?

I grew up in a family that was always known for having a good sense of humor. As a child, I have many memories and anecdotes of my father telling jokes to my mother. She was his thermometer to know if the joke was good or bad, when my mother laughed. then my father knew that he had invented a good joke, if, on the contrary, my mother told him that the joke did not make her laugh, then my father tried to transform it to make it funny. I grew up surrounded by laughter and jokes, despite having very outgoing parents I felt a bit shy, when I grew up in my student days it was difficult for me to socialize because I was still an introvert, but I realized that when I used my good sense of humor, shyness disappeared completely, this was the tool that opened countless doors for me in the student area, in the sentimental and work fields. Having good sense allowed me to flow in countless aspects of my daily life.

I have many anecdotes where my good sense of humor has become a magic key. Since I can't go as long as I would like, I will share with you some reflections that are the result of having a good sense of humor. Laughter goes hand in hand with this emotional state. From my personal experience, it helped me break the ice at times when I felt shy about acting. On the other hand, I believe that having a good sense of humor helps us defeat one of the worst enemies we face. It is fear, since when we feel fear we become paralyzed and stop acting, in this way we become passive people. Sometimes we wait for the desires we want to knock on the door, for fear of making a decision that will lead us to failure, we prefer wait for fate to act. Having a good sense of humor has helped me in sad moments, when I passed my divorce period it was less painful because I kept the good memories and I turned sad moments into funny anecdotes, I preferred to laugh rather than cry.

I can assure you that having a good sense of humor gives us a sense of well-being, it is like taking the happiness pill every day. After I got divorced I was worried about not getting a partner, but now I really enjoy my solitude if someone comes into my life they have to have a good sense of humor and be as nice as me. I believe that laughter releases endorphins, I am sure that people with a good sense of humor are healthy people and when they get sick their good attitude makes the illness short-lived and the road to recovery faster.

In some moments of my life I have gone through moments where I have felt stress, good humor acts like yoga, since it is the tool that helps you relax your muscles and balance your breathing, I have been able to feel my heartbeat they calm down when I breathe and bring out my good mood, I think it helps to repair the stress levels that occur in the brain and body.

Sometimes, I have felt blocked because I have no inspiration to create in some activity in my life and laughing at my mental blocks has helped me to drain the ideas that were hidden, sometimes the desperation to achieve something acts as a trip, it is better be patient, laugh, invent a joke and then continue on your way, but always with optimism and humor!


  • All photos are my own


Just as it has happened to you, good love has helped me in my personal life to face sad moments, hard moments, moments of illness, moments of embarrassment, to break the ice, in short, humor makes life much, much more bearable.

Así como te ha ocurrido a ti, el buen amor me ha ayudado en mi vida personal a afrontar momentos tristes, duros, de enfermedad, en los que hay vergüenza, a romper el hielo, en fin el humor nos hace la vida mucho, pero mucho más llevadera.


Tienes razón amiga, el buen humor es la herramienta que nos permite ver colores donde sabemos que no hay luz, pero aún así continuamos avanzando con la certeza de que son experiencias que debemos asumir con la mejor actitud, ya que eso aligera la carga.
Lamento mucho que hayas tenido que pasar por esos episodios, estoy segura que ahora eres una persona más fuerte. Te mando un gran abrazo, feliz fin de semana!


Having a sense of humour is just like, how positive you are in every aspect of life. Like no matter how the world is so hard to us, we can still laugh because we know that problems is can never take us down. It's also like, taking it easy, but still can still get serious in those hard times. It is great that you grow up in a happy family like yours, with a cool dad who's good in making jokes. My parents is not like that,nit is only today that I can experience that with them. And Im the happiest whenever it happens.


Thank you very much for the visit and the support... I am sure that the example of my parents helped me to understand that having a good sense of humor all our problems are solved faster and that this good attitude is the best tool in our life.
I wish you happy dreams, I send you hugs and blessings.


I think the most beautiful thing you have is your sense of humor and I have no doubt it has made your personal burdens lighter. Keep on being the way you are beautiful friend. Kisses 💜


Thank you very much for your kind words, I think the sense of humor acts as an impulse when our steps stop.
I send you a big hug, happy dreams!


A sense of humor is important, it helps us to have a happier perspective on life, not everything should be serious, I am very glad that good humor and laughter were never lacking in your life.


Thank you very much dear friend I am very grateful to the Universe because I grew up listening to laughter and jokes, that helped me overcome my shyness and evolve in many aspects of my life.


I totally agree my Kris.
A sense of humor helps shy people to loosen up a bit, it's like a magic wand, a way to make us feel more secure.


You're right, friend. I thank my parents for always having a good attitude. I never heard them raising their voices to fight, but rather to laugh and turn bad moments into anecdotes or life lessons.


What a beautiful reflection, Maggie!

I really admire your ability to find something positive in everything. I admire your fun personality. You are an inspiration to me in so many ways ❤️


Thank you very much my love, I am very happy to read your beautiful words, knowing that my personality can help you in moments of your life is a great joy. I wish that your life is always surrounded by wonderful moments, I send you a big hug!
