
I felt the need to start something, but I was scared because I had never done it before, I thought about all the possibilities of my new decision and imagined how my life would be if I got things working optimally. it was the first time I was going to be intentional about putting all the nuts and bolts together, and trusting that the process will yield the best possible results within a limited time. But as they say, the first step is always the hardest.

Image by creativeart on Freepik

It was difficult for me because I was limited in the supply of a lot of things, but I needed to look beyond what I was, how I was, and what I had. And focused all the energy I had on something that I felt would yield positive results. Also, I knew it would never be rosy, especially considering how determined I was to make it work despite the red flags. I started anyway by writing my first piece after Tare called me up for a writing Job.

I did not understand the entire concept of what I was doing or what I needed to continue doing. The web3 space was as confusing as it was exciting to me, maybe because I was a newbie. Desperate to start, I opted into writing, making my first $24, This came from just my introductory post which made me wonder how my earnings will be in the next six months. Six months later, all I got was disappointment from feeling I wasn't as good a writer as I had imagined, I was on the verge of giving up when I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

The light I saw came through a community that taught me how to interact with a blockchain I was giving up on. They taught me the importance of relationships, and how important that nut is to bringing my dreams into reality. Now I wasn't just writing, I was engaging, and the more I engaged, the more I learned. But there again, it wasn't long before I was back to the hopelessness I just came out from. I thought I was building relationships, and it was all that was required; I mean you wouldn't blame me, I never even knew the kind of relationship I was supposed to build.

My hopelessness started again when I was massively downvoted for using the wrong tag, I had spent all night working on such a beautiful piece, only to end up with the backs of my readers and followers I thought I was getting familiar with. This time I was ready to give up on becoming financially free through the art of writing and storytelling which I considered a gift from my childhood, but then I saw another community off the blockchain that had members in the blockchain who had become more than just a community but an online family.

I said to myself; This is it, this is what will get me to my dreams. If the relationship was the nuts, this is the bolt. I can finally have the nuts and bolts in one place and I think it would work from here. I put in the effort, it was as though I would die of a heart palpitation each time I woke my tired body up in the middle of the night to write for straight one month. Everything was finally falling in place until the worst happened.

My body seemed to withstand the stress more than my Phone. The poor device had been through hell and back with me three years before I knew writing was a thing, If it were a person, It had finally gotten tired of all my excesses. Restoring the phone proved fruitless, first It gave me a choice to choose between the nuts and the bolts, I had to choose the nuts not because it was better than the bolt, but because it offered me the ability to write once a day if there was light and time. Now writing became stressful, I could no longer meet my expectations, and suddenly my dreams seemed far from my reach.

The hardest part was seeing everyone I had come to know doing things I wished I knew and did, friends and family tried consoling me seeing how this loss was driving me nuts into depression. I lost fate in myself and moved with whatever strength I could find per time. Looking back now, I have a story to tell, seeing how I have been able to get a better device allowing me to tie both nuts and bolts in my dream work. This is where I think the journey starts, let's see where it goes from here.



If the relationship was the nuts, this is the bolt. I like that and your determination to writing even though you kept encountering roadblocks yet you kept looking for possible ways to overcome it. That is what makes us who we are, right? Fighting and overcoming roadblocks. Sorry for the stress your phone must have put you through, I am glad you now have a better device.


Yes you are correct, fighting for what we believe in makes us who we are


There is no first start without mistakes and errors but the second attempt would surely be different from the first. It's a good thing you didn't let all the disappoints pull you back. Nice story.


It's not been easy, but I'm glad I have scaled through


Writing is your passion and you are pursuing it. It’s good that you didn’t give up hope after the trials that you faced. Moving forward and maintaining motivation is the key. Hoping to see many more pieces form you.


You obviously have been through a lot on your journey on the Blockchain. I am glad you didn't give up. Your story will be a source of powerful motivation to others someday.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport
