LOH Contest #179 || Women of my life



Feliz y bendecido miércoles apreciadas Damas de Hive, es gratificante volver a participar en el concurso semanal de la comunidad. Una vez más las preguntas son muy interesantes y propicias para expresar nuestros pensamientos con respecto a ciertos temas importantes. En esta oportunidad he escogido la pregunta número 2, e intentaré responderla lo más breve posible.
Happy and blessed Wednesday dear Ladies of Hive, it is gratifying to participate again in the weekly community contest. Once again the questions are very interesting and conducive to expressing our thoughts regarding certain important topics. On this occasion he chose question number 2, and I will try to answer it as briefly as possible.

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In my life there are many women who have been influential figures in my way of being and thinking, since I am a person who always tries to take the good in everyone and learn from it. When we learn to look for something in people that we can admire in them, it is much easier to learn from these people without them having the intention of teaching us something.
In my life there are many women who have been influential figures in my way of being and thinking, since I am a person who always tries to take the good in everyone and learn from it. When we learn to look for something in people that we can admire in them, it is much easier to learn from these people without them having the intention of teaching us something.


Son muchas las mujeres que pudiera nombrar de las cuales he aprendido de manera indirecta, simplemente observando y admirando. Mi madre es una de las principales mujeres de las que he aprendido humildad, respeto, amor por el prójimo, entre muchas otras virtudes que admiro de ella. De mis hermanas admiro la energía y la fuerza para el trabajo, la valentía de ser mujeres emprendedoras y trabajadoras. De algunas de mis amigas admiro la capacidad de resiliencia y la fortaleza de espíritu para mantenerse en pie con una sonrisa pese a las adversidades.
There are many women I could name from whom I have learned indirectly, simply by observing and admiring. My mother is one of the main women from whom I have learned humility, respect, love for others, among many other virtues that I admire about her. I admire my sisters' energy and strength for work, the courage to be entrepreneurial and hard-working women. From some of my friends I admire the resilience and strength of spirit to stay standing with a smile despite adversity.


Aprender a ver a otras mujeres como nuestros pares y no como rivales nos hace más fuertes y más inteligentes. Es muy bonito admirar a otras personas y aprender de sus virtudes, pero también es importante sentir empatía por aquellas que no están en la mejor etapa de sus vidas. A veces resulta mucho más fácil juzgar que empatizar, pero los errores ajenos también enseñan si somos inteligentes.

Cada mujer en este planeta es un mundo complejo pero valioso, lleno de virtudes y capacidades. Todas podemos aprender de nosotras mismas.
Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.

Learning to see other women as our peers and not as rivals makes us stronger and smarter. It is very nice to admire other people and learn from their virtues, but it is also important to feel empathy for those who are not in the best stage of their lives. Sometimes it is much easier to judge than to empathize, but other people's mistakes also teach us if we are intelligent.

Each woman on this planet is a complex but valuable world, full of virtues and capabilities. We can all learn from ourselves.
Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.


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Banners, separadores de textos y firma digital son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

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Thanks so much. !LADY


You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.


There are many women I could name from whom I have learned indirectly, simply by observing and admiring

I try to do the same, I always try to pick and follow the good virtues of human beings, especially women. But I always follow my mother's footprint which she left for me. Following her footsteps is the only way for me to honor her as she is no longer with me...


I also have a sister I admire her energy, I still wonder how she gets so strong to do so much and not get tired easily.


Gracias por compartir sus pensamientos para con otros, los que demuestran su compresión, buen análisis; así como la empatía y admiración hacia otros. 🥰🥰
