(ESP/ENG) VISADO SIN RETORNO. Suspiria, concurso de terror. 3ra edición (Literatura): Presencias.

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Eran las diez de la noche la presencia se manifestaba otra vez. ¿Es una? ¿Son varias? Antonieta no sabía. Solo intuía que algo no estaba bien. Las luces de la casa prendían y apagaban sin que nadie accionara los interruptores. Algo no encajaba. Ella, junto con sus progenitores, fueron los primeros en habitarla. Ningún suceso trágico había sucedido allí. Sus padres compraron la casa cuando ella tenía nueve años….Pero, ya va, Antonieta acaba de recordar que el dueño anterior, Remigio, vendió esa casa luego de la trágica muerte de su hijo. Remigio había construido la casa para él.

Los días pasaron. Ya había transcurrido una semana sin ningún acontecimiento raro. Una noche después de finalizar su trabajo se sentó, en su mullido sofá de terciopelo rosa, a ver la televisión. Decidió ver una película, de fenómenos paranormales, con la finalidad de aclarar la situación que estaba viviendo. Transcurrida una hora comenzó a bostezar. Sus ojos parpadean, se le dificulta mantenerlos abiertos. Un cansancio inusitado se presenta…se le cae de las manos el control del televisor. En ese momento resuelve ir a su dormitorio. A pesar de no tener motivos, para ese agotamiento, decide acostarse inmediatamente. Ni siquiera se cambia de ropa. Se queda profundamente dormida…. Sin causa aparente, de repente, se despierta a la media noche. Percibe un enorme peso en su espalda, siente como si tuviera un gigantesco bloque de cemento encima de ella. Siente el pecho oprimido... su respiración está entrecortada. Se da cuenta que no puede moverse ni articular palabra. En ese instante un frío intenso entra por sus pies y poco a poco va subiendo por su cuerpo…Antonieta ya no reacciona. Ya es demasiado tarde…

Usé la imagen dela galería de LMAC

Beneficiario LIL: 2% @agmoore


It was ten o'clock at night, the presence manifested itself again. Is it one? Is it several? Antoinette did not know. She only sensed that something was not right. The lights in the house went on and off without anyone flipping the switches. Something was wrong. She, along with her parents, were the first to live there. No tragic event had ever happened there. Her parents bought the house when she was nine years old....But, she goes, Antonieta just remembered that the previous owner, Remigio, sold that house after the tragic death of his son. Remigio had built the house for him.

The days passed. A week had already passed without any unusual occurrences. One night after finishing her work, she sat down on her soft pink velvet sofa to watch television.She decided to watch a movie about paranormal phenomena in order to clarify the situation she was living. After an hour she began to yawn.Her eyes blinked, it was difficult for her to keep them open. An unusual tiredness appears...the TV control falls out of her hands. At that moment she resolves to go to her bedroom. Despite having no reason for this exhaustion, she decides to go to bed immediately. She doesn't even change her clothes. She falls fast asleep.... Without any apparent cause, she suddenly wakes up at midnight. She feels an enormous weight on her back, as if she had a gigantic cement block on top of her. Her chest feels tight... her breathing is ragged. She realizes that she cannot move or articulate a word. At that moment, an intense cold enters through her feet and gradually creeps up her body... Antonieta no longer reacts. It is too late...

I used the image from the LMAC gallery.

Beneficiary LIL: 2% @agmoore

VISADO SIN RETORNO por María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2023

Septiembre 28, 2023

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Oh no! The horror😄

Antonieta no longer reacts. It is too late.

You build the tension wonderfully, @katleya. Great atmosphere. You certainly do know how to do horror!


Thank you for reading and giving your opinion. I will gradually reintroduce myself on Hive. I have a lot of things pending. I also enrolled in a course for writers. It reminds me a lot of Inkwell. We always learn. The difference is that it is face to face. And the dynamics are similar. I will continue to learn so I can write my book. I already have some ideas.... but I lack time to do it. In the country where I live everything is complicated.....I always remember your good advice. Happy afternoon @agmoore!!!

