When Credentials Matter | 22 February 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2290 | Prompt: 5-day hike (caminata de cinco días)



I was inspired to continue the story I began in the ZAPFICMonday challenge. The story about a young boy named Adam. Here's a recap: Misbehaving Your Way Out Of Summer Fun | ZAPFIC MONDAY (2/26/24) | Prompt: rule (regla)
"Adam won't follow any rule here. What makes you think he'll do so at summer camp?" Dad argued.

"I'll plead until you relent so that he can experience independence, leadership, and discipline." Mom watched Dad's face soften, then kissed him.
Part 2 of the story continues by utilizing the @daily.prompt's 22 February 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2290: 5 day hike.


From the inside of Rollins Camp Cabin No. 3, Adam moved closer to the window and watched, brows together, as Camp Supervisor McAllen surveyed the area. Supervisor Allen then glanced upward. Adam followed his gaze and noticed that the sun shone bright in the clear cloudless sky as it seemed to smile down at McAllen. Puzzled, he scratched his head. Unable to decipher the man's actions, he dismissed him. Unlike his mother who was readable and accommodating, he was different. His mother was his special navigator through the rules of their home and through dad.

What Adam didn't know was that Supervisor McAllen was praying that the weather forecast kept its promise. Also, McAllen prayed the new scout leader would work out. He was shorthanded this summer with two crew off due to illness.

Nor was Adam concerned about camp personnel or its rules. He breathed a sigh of relief remembering how he almost wrecked his own chances of a summer adventure.

The last thing he remembered was his mom thanking Supervisor McAllen for accepting him, then dad jostling his hair as they both issued last commands that he obey the rules.

Rules. Adam anxiously waited for the end of school. If he heard his mom repeat it once more about gaining independence, leadership, and discipline, he'd beg her to stay home. But he didn't dare miss the opportunity to escape the house full of rules. And he had to admit that if it wasn't for his accommodating mother pleading with his hard-nosed father, he'd be stuck at home all summer breaking the house full of rules.

Fun. Adam backed away from the window and rubbed his hands together as though excitement coursed through his fingers.

It was only day one.

And, it was the rusting and laughter as the boys readied themselves that put a smile on Supervisor McAllen's face. That they were excited was evident by the number of boys who signed up for the 5-day hike.

Before leaving, McAllen gathered the group. "Boys, meet your hiking instructor, Farley Brooks. He's new this camp season. And we hope he likes it as much as we like having him. I expect everyone to pay attention and learn all he has to offer. We comes highly recommended with excellent credentials."

So, the group set out on their way to the hiking trail with high expectations of a fun five days.

They reached the hiking area without issue. Adam knew nothing about camping; he knew all about breaking rules. But first, he needed to read exactly what the rules were he intended to break. He grabbed his handbook and attempted to finish reading, but quickly abandoned that idea.

Once tents were erected, he settled in. There has to be more fun than this, he worried.


But Adam's worries were about to fade into the flames. He sat around the campfire with his newly acquainted friends, laughing and joking while enjoying food. He even offered up scary stories that enthralled the others with their eyes wide, hanging on his every word.

All turned in early. The next morning would be busy preparing for the first leg of the hiking.

Adam's pulse raced imagining the sights and sounds they would encounter on the trail. He tossed until he decided to rise and explore. Pulling the opening gently, he crept outside fully aware he wasn't allowed to wander far.

A short distance, he paused. A strange smell waffled from the bushes; then movement, and a muffled sound.

Adam knew he shouldn't continue.

But, the voice drew him toward the smell. He pulled back the bushes. Slowly, he eased down by a large rock. Barely able to understand the conversation, he did manage to hear angry voices.

"You got me into this mess, now give me directions!" Farley attempted to keep his voice low.

Adam next heard Farley ask questions about hiking and directions? And the smoke he smelled was from a cigarette. He kept silent. Shouldn't Farley already know that information, he thought? And breaking the no-smoking rule?

Instead of being afraid, Adam smiled wickedly. What good luck on my first day, he thought, undecided how he'd use the information. He eased back toward his tent. Once inside, he hurried under the cover and pulled the blanket over his head.

The next morning brought Adam his answer.

"Mr. Brooks, how many miles are we going to hike, since we're beginners and all? And, aren't you going to check our packs to make sure we have the right items? Where's your map?" Adam probed, watching Farley's reaction.

All heads turned as a vehicle approached the camping area near the hiking trail. The boys spotted Supervisor McAllen as he rushed from his car. Within minutes, he was facing Farley Brooks and standing in front, shielding the boys.

The boys watched in shock as Supervisor McAllen confronted Farley Brooks.

"You are a fraud, Farley or whatever your name is. Your credentials are a forgery." McAllen remembered Farley's handshake. But he shook off the feeling. It was something about his eye contact. He didn't suspect that he would harm the children, just something odd about him.

Farley bristled as if surprised by the accusation.

McAllen continued. "How dare you place those precious boys' lives in danger. You know nothing about camping or hiking. Their parents trusted us with their safety."

Adam shoved the other boys aside and made a path toward Supervisor McAllen.

"I knew he was a fake from the first time I met him! He doesn't know anything about hiking. And he broke the smoking rule!"

Loud sirens interrupted Adam's version of events from the previous night.

Two officers hurried from their vehicle toward the scene. By the time everyone turned back toward Farley Brooks, he had disappeared into the woods.

"Don't worry. He won't get far. We have another squad on alert," one of the officers assured Supervisor McAllen. "It's a good thing you alerted us when you did. He's an identify thief. Wanted on charges in another state. An unsavory character to say the least!" the officer explained after attempting to move away from the boys.

But Adam wasn't having any of that. He was the one who exposed the fraudster, and he wanted details to share with his friends back home.

Supervisor McAllen escorted the boys back to camp. He didn't want to ruin their experience, so planned other outings and another hiking trip later in the week.

Adam couldn't wait to return home. He admitted to himself that he didn't learn that much about camping, but he was the hero of the hour.

His thoughts turned to his father and how proud of him he'd be. Money wisely spent! he thought, then thought again...maybe I'll experience independence, leadership, and discipline next year!


! [When Credentials Matter Spanish Translation]


Desde el interior de la cabaña nº 3 del campamento Rollins, Adam se acercó a la ventana y observó, con las cejas juntas, cómo el supervisor del campamento McAllen inspeccionaba la zona. El supervisor Allen miró entonces hacia arriba. Adam siguió su mirada y se dio cuenta de que el sol brillaba en el cielo despejado y sin nubes mientras parecía sonreír a McAllen. Desconcertado, se rascó la cabeza. Incapaz de descifrar las acciones del hombre, lo descartó. A diferencia de su madre, que era legible y complaciente, él era diferente. Su madre era su navegante especial a través de las reglas de su hogar y a través de papá.

Lo que Adam no sabía era que el supervisor McAllen rezaba para que el pronóstico del tiempo cumpliera su promesa. Además, McAllen rezaba para que el nuevo líder scout funcionara. Estaba corto de personal este verano con dos tripulantes de baja por enfermedad.

A Adam tampoco le preocupaba el personal del campamento ni sus normas. Respiró aliviado al recordar cómo casi echó por tierra sus propias posibilidades de vivir una aventura veraniega.

Lo último que recordaba era a su madre dándole las gracias al supervisor McAllen por aceptarle, y luego a su padre revolviéndole el pelo mientras ambos le daban las últimas órdenes para que obedeciera las normas.

Reglas. Adam esperaba ansioso el final de las clases. Si oía a su madre repetir una vez más lo de ganar independencia, liderazgo y disciplina, le rogaría que se quedara en casa. Pero no se atrevía a perder la oportunidad de escapar de la casa llena de reglas. Y tenía que admitir que si no fuera porque su complaciente madre suplicaba a su duro padre, estaría atrapado en casa todo el verano rompiendo la casa llena de reglas.

Diversión. Adam se apartó de la ventana y se frotó las manos como si la excitación recorriera sus dedos.

Sólo era el primer día.

Y, fueron los ruidos y las risas mientras los chicos se preparaban lo que puso una sonrisa en la cara del supervisor McAllen. Que estaban entusiasmados era evidente por el número de chicos que se apuntaron a la excursión de 5 días.

Antes de partir, McAllen reunió al grupo. "Muchachos, conozcan a su instructor de excursión, Farley Brooks. Es nuevo esta temporada de campamentos. Y esperamos que le guste tanto como a nosotros tenerlo. Espero que todos presten atención y aprendan todo lo que tiene para ofrecer. Viene muy recomendado y con excelentes credenciales".

Así pues, los grupos se pusieron en camino hacia la ruta de senderismo con grandes expectativas de pasar cinco días divertidos.

Llegaron a la zona de acampada sin problemas. Adam no sabía nada de acampadas; lo único que sabía era romper las normas. Pero primero, necesitaba leer exactamente cuáles eran las reglas que pretendía romper. Cogió su manual e intentó terminar de leerlo, pero abandonó rápidamente esa idea.

Una vez montadas las tiendas, se acomodó. Tiene que haber algo más divertido que esto, se preocupó.


Pero las preocupaciones de Adam estaban a punto de desvanecerse entre las llamas. Se sentó alrededor de la hoguera con sus amigos recién conocidos, riendo y bromeando mientras disfrutaban de la comida. Incluso contó historias de miedo que cautivaron a los demás, con los ojos muy abiertos, pendientes de cada una de sus palabras.

Todos se acostaron temprano. A la mañana siguiente estarían ocupados preparando la primera etapa de la excursión.

A Adam se le aceleró el pulso imaginando las vistas y los sonidos que encontrarían en el sendero. Dio vueltas hasta que decidió levantarse y explorar. Tirando suavemente de la abertura, se arrastró hacia el exterior plenamente consciente de que no le estaba permitido alejarse mucho.

A poca distancia, se detuvo. Un olor extraño surgió de los arbustos; luego, movimiento y un sonido sordo.

Adam sabía que no debía continuar.

Pero la voz lo atrajo hacia el olor. Apartó los arbustos. Lentamente, se agachó junto a una gran roca. Apenas pudo entender la conversación, pero consiguió oír voces enfadadas.

"¡Tú me metiste en este lío, ahora dame indicaciones!". Farley intentó mantener la voz baja.

A continuación, Adam oyó a Farley hacer preguntas sobre senderismo y direcciones... Y el humo que olía era de un cigarrillo. Guardó silencio. ¿No debería Farley saber ya esa información, pensó? ¿Y romper la norma de no fumar?

En lugar de asustarse, Adam sonrió con maldad. Qué buena suerte en mi primer día, pensó, indeciso sobre cómo utilizaría la información. Se dirigió hacia su tienda. Una vez dentro, se apresuró a cubrirse y se tapó la cabeza con la manta.

La mañana siguiente trajo a Adam su respuesta.

"Sr. Brooks, ¿cuántos kilómetros vamos a recorrer, ya que somos principiantes y todo eso? Y, ¿no va a revisar nuestras mochilas para asegurarse de que tenemos los artículos correctos? ¿Dónde está su mapa? ", preguntó Adam, observando la reacción de Farley.

Todas las cabezas se volvieron cuando un vehículo se acercó a la zona de acampada, cerca de la ruta de senderismo. Los chicos vieron al supervisor McAllen mientras salía corriendo de su coche. En cuestión de minutos, estaba frente a Farley Brooks y de pie delante, protegiendo a los chicos.

Los chicos observaron atónitos cómo el supervisor McAllen se enfrentaba a Farley Brooks.

"Eres un fraude, Farley o como te llames. Tus credenciales son una falsificación". McAllen recordó el apretón de manos de Farley. Pero se sacudió la sensación. Era algo relacionado con su contacto visual. No sospechaba que fuera a hacer daño a los niños, sólo que había algo raro en él.

Farley se erizó como sorprendido por la acusación.

McAllen continuó. "¿Cómo te atreves a poner en peligro la vida de esos preciosos niños? No sabes nada de acampadas ni de senderismo. Sus padres nos confiaron su seguridad".

Adam apartó a los otros chicos y se dirigió hacia el supervisor McAllen.

"¡Sabía que era un farsante desde la primera vez que lo vi! No sabe nada de senderismo. Y se saltó la norma de fumar ".

Unas ruidosas sirenas interrumpieron la versión de Adam sobre los acontecimientos de la noche anterior.

Dos agentes se apresuraron a salir de su vehículo en dirección al lugar de los hechos. Cuando todos se volvieron hacia Farley Brooks, éste había desaparecido en el bosque.

"No te preocupes. No llegará lejos. Tenemos otra brigada en alerta", aseguró uno de los agentes al supervisor McAllen. "Menos mal que nos avisó cuando lo hizo. Es un ladrón identificado. Buscado por cargos en otro estado. Un personaje desagradable, por no decir otra cosa", explicó el agente después de intentar alejarse de los chicos.

Pero Adam no quería saber nada de eso. Fue él quien desenmascaró al estafador, y quería detalles para compartirlos con sus amigos en casa.

El supervisor McAllen escoltó a los chicos de vuelta al campamento. No quería arruinarles la experiencia, así que planeó otras salidas y otro viaje de senderismo más adelante en la semana.

Adam estaba impaciente por volver a casa. Admitió que no había aprendido mucho sobre acampadas, pero era el héroe del momento.

Sus pensamientos se volvieron hacia su padre y lo orgulloso que estaría de él. Dinero sabiamente gastado! pensó, y luego volvió a pensar... ¡quizá el año que viene experimente la independencia, el liderazgo y la disciplina!


Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de 22 February 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2290: 5 day hike.



Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



@tipu curate


Hello @mrspointm. Nice to meet you. Thanks so much for your visit. I'm pleased you liked my short story. Appreciate the TIP and support.

Take care.


@mrspointm! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


...but he was the hero of the hour.

I couldn't help chuckling at Adam's line of thought. He's an adventurous boy with keen observation skills. Rather than break the rules like he intended, he caught an adult breaking the rules!

What a bad example the so-called Farley set for the young boy. I'm glad he was caught in the end or he might have endangered the boys. An entertaining and well-paced piece! I hope you're having a relaxing Sunday. Take care. 🙂


Yes, Adam as a character indeed @kemmyb and a handful for his parents. He did acquire some experience and gain some knowledge at camp. He'll have lots to tell his friends upon his return home. His inquisitive nature landed him in the right place at the right time to help expose the imposter. I'm just happy that the incident came to light before the hiking trip was underway, thus avoiding danger to the boys.

One thing I noted was the supervisor's instinct that the new guy Farley's vibe just didn't feel right, although he presented credentials that turned out to be a fake. I think Farley wanted to hide in plain sight. When I think of this, I think of all the criminals and other unsavory individuals whom we encounter daily in our lives at the grocers, fuel pump, restaurants, and other places. Security cameras help in identifying some, but most escape detection.

I'm pleased you liked my continuation of Adam's adventure at camp. The moment I wrote the ZAPFIC, I knew Adam was bursting to show us his personality from his dad's description in a lighthearted way.

Thanks for your visit and lovely compliment for my story. I appreciate it and your support. Thanks always for the Tokens. Take care and have a good start to your week.



@kemmyb! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (9/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


I'm just happy that the incident came to light before the hiking trip was underway, thus avoiding danger to the boys.

Me too! That's quite a risky business to take on another person's identity while handling a job like this one. Anything could have gone wrong or the boys could have disappeared and no one would know about it. I enjoyed reading the story. 🙂
