Death | LOH #160 week contest
Greetings ladies, today we have complex questions that perhaps we have even asked ourselves at some point. Life, death, the beginning and the end.
Saludos ladies, hoy tenemos preguntas complejas que quizás hasta nosotros mismos nos habremos preguntado alguna vez. La vida, la muerte, el inicio y el final.

Death is inevitable. It is beyond our control to prevent it from happening. What would you do if you were to learn that your death is imminent? Will you fight for your life to live longer for your loved ones? Or will you keep it not to be a burden to them, and just wait for your time? Explain why?
What a difficult question. But if the scenario were to occur, I think I would say goodbye to everything and thank them for their time with me. I suppose that if I would die, it is because my time on earth had already been completed. And if it were the case that I had small children, I would try to fight with all my strength to stay by their side, because growing up without parents is a pain in the soul that almost never goes away and I would not like my children to experience that.
La muerte es inevitable. Está fuera de nuestro control evitar que esto suceda. ¿Qué harías si supieras que tu muerte es inminente? ¿Lucharás por tu vida para vivir más para tus seres queridos? ¿O desistirás para no ser una carga para ellos y simplemente esperarás tu momento? ¿Explicar por qué?
Que pregunta tan difícil. Pero dado caso que se diera el escenario creo que me despediría de todo y agradeciéndoles por su tiempo conmigo, supongo que si moriría es porque mi tiempo en la tierra ya estaba cumplido. Y si fuera el caso que yo tuviera hijos pequeños trataría de luchar con todas mis fuerzas por quedarme a su lado, porque crecer sin padres es un dolor en el alma que casi nunca se va y no me gustaría que mis hijos vivieran eso
Do you know someone dear to your heart who passed away unexpectedly? In case he/she can read your letter from heaven, what do you want to tell him/her? You can express your feelings, emotions, and everything else you've been holding inside that remained unspoken before he/she passed away.
In 2001 my stepfather died, I was still 5 years old and in a few months I was going to turn 6. It was night, probably 11 or 12, my mother was already asleep, suddenly we heard a car and then they knocked on the door very loudly, you could hear them shouting my mother's name, she ran away and I went behind to check on my mother, at that moment they gave her the news that he died. My stepfather was in the hospital and I don't remember exactly what the reason was that took him there, I know that he was hospitalized and that day we had gone to visit him in the afternoon, he had breathing tubes, that night my mother didn't tell me and in fact she did not tell me until several years later, that that night while he was sleeping he removed the tubes that helped him breathe and died of respiratory arrest. And that night when they told my mother, she didn't say anything to me either. Days later I was going to what would be his funeral, certainly my mother told me the news, I was very confused, I remember when I entered that room full of people, so many people that I did not know and believe it or not that day I felt very heavy, I felt like everything was a hoax, like I was surrounded by pure lying people, I also remember when I approached the coffin to look at him and at that moment I was so confused, unable to feel anything, unable to cry, I saw everyone crying and I thought they were crying fakely, I saw how they buried him and I still didn't have a single tear. As time goes by, I remember one day when I cried like never before... And there is a strange thing about the scent of him, I would never forget the smell of him. One day, around 2019, I was leaving the train station and I stopped for a moment to watch the sunset and the smell of his perfume appeared. After all these years, when I smelled his perfume, the first thing that came out of my mouth was his name and I looked around desperately looking for him, and there was no one, the fact that there was no one scared me because I wondered where the smell came from, I felt scared and at the same time I thought it was him. I swear to you that since he died just that day in 2019 I smelled his perfume again and I have never smelled anything like it again.
And what I wanted to say is just thank you, my days were happier while you were around, I didn't know until I lost you, I lived through difficult times and growing up with only one mother made me feel very alone, but I will never forget you, I hope that where whatever you are, you can be proud of me and the woman I am becoming.
¿Conoces a alguien querido en tu corazón que falleció inesperadamente? En caso de que pueda leer tu carta del cielo, ¿qué quieres decirle? Puede expresar tus sentimientos, emociones y todo lo que has estado guardando en tu interior y que no habías expresado antes de su fallecimiento.
En el 2001 murió mi padrastro, todavía tenía 5 años y en unos meses iba a cumplir 6. Era de noche, probablemente las 11 o 12, mi mamá ya estaba dormida, de pronto escuchamos un carro y luego golpean la puerta muy fuerte, solo se podía escuchar que gritaban el nombre de mi mamá, ella salió corriendo y detrás fui yo, a chequear a mi mamá, en ese momento le dieron la noticia de que él murió. Mi padrastro se encontraba en el hospital y no recuerdo exactamente cuál fue el motivo que lo llevó allá, sé que estaba internado y ese día lo habíamos ido a visitar en la tarde, él tenía tubos para respirar, esa noche mi mamá no me lo dijo, y de hecho no me lo dijo sino después de varios años, que esa noche mientras él dormía se quitó los tubos que lo ayudaban a respirar y murió de paro respiratorio. Y esa noche que le avisaron a mi mamá ella tampoco me dijo nada. Días después estaba yo yendo a lo que sería tu entierro, ciertamente mi mamá me comunicó la noticia, yo estaba muy confundida, recuerdo cuando entré a esa sala llena de personas, tanta gente que no conocía y aunque no lo crean ese día me sentí muy pesada, sentí como que si todo fuera un engaño, como que estaba rodeada de puras personas mentirosas, también recuerdo cuando me acerqué al ataúd para mirarlo y en ese momento estaba tan confundida incapaz de sentir algo, incapaz de llorar, veía a todo el mundo llorando y pensé que lloraban de mentira, ví como lo enterraban y aún no tenía ni una lágrima. Al pasar del tiempo, recuerdo un día que lloré como nunca. Y hay una cosa extraña su perfume, nunca me olvidaría de su olor. Un día, como en el 2019 iba saliendo de la estación de trenes y me detengo un momento para ver el atardecer y apareció el olor de su perfume, después de todos estos años cuando olí el se perfume lo primero que salió de mi boca fue su nombre y miré alrededor con desespero buscándolo a él, y no había nadie, que no hubiera nadie me asustó porque me pregunté de dónde vino el olor, me sentí asustada y al mismo tiempo pensaba que había sido él. Se los juro que desde que él murió sólo ese día en el 2019 olí su perfume de nuevo y más nunca volví a oler algo igual.
Y con lo que quería decir es solamente gracias, mis días fueron más felices mientras estabas cerca, no lo supe hasta que te perdí, viví momentos difíciles y crecer solamente con una madre me hizo sentir muy sola, pero nunca te olvidaré, espero que dónde sea que estés, puedas estar orgulloso de mi y de la mujer que me estoy convirtiendo.
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I so feel the pain and sorrow in your letter sis. If only heaven had a visiting place, we would always see our loved ones. A big hug sis.
That would be lovely 😭
Is very painful to loss someone very precious to us how i wish the will come to us one day
Only God knows
Is sad that most times we can help a situation rather than to face the reality of it,I quite understand the experience because I have won that same shoes but in all you truely deserve a hug
It is very painful and lonely, thanks sis
I can relate. If only we could control things, most of the things that happen won't really occur. Well, I believe he is proud of you and you should be proud of the woman in you too.
I'm becoming a better woman for him