Fresh air


Hello everyone, how are you? I hope it's amazing..

Today I want to share my daily activities. Today is a holiday in my country, so I don't work today. I spend my days off cleaning the house and the surrounding environment.

As I wrote before, where I live is currently experiencing forest fires. Fog, ash and smoke surround the air throughout the day. This morning when I woke up, I saw that my yard was very dirty.

At first I saw it was rubbish, maybe you think the same as me. But actually it was ash from burning leaves, flying tens of kilometers from the location of the burning forest. I swept up all the dirt, but a few minutes later my yard was dirty again with dust and ash.

I hope that this disaster will end soon so that we can breathe fresh air again. And of course there is no longer a lot of ash and dust from forest fires.

I hope all readers can help to pray for us who are here so that this all ends soon. Thank you friend. GBU
