Small gestures attract SURPRISES


Sometimes you're just put in a situation to help others through gestures of appreciation; you could even save a life with an honest compliment. A word of appreciation goes a long way, like a job well done. I'm proud of you. It actually heightens a person's self-esteem and makes them know they are doing just the right thing, even if it's as little as exchanging greetings, buying food for the homeless, or even a close person in need. Be nice enough to consider someone else when they are in need.

And I identify with this; I stayed in the hostel, and as a student, there's no amount of money given to you that's enough; it's either your spending on handouts, a new version of a textbook, or some funny contributions that don't even benefit you, or you're trying to please your lecturer by buying them lunch just to appeal to them to sign your forms or attend to your problem.

And every student has been in sure tight corners in one way or another where you run out of cash and you can't call home because of one or two reasons—you got your pocket money, so why call home? So I was in that situation after paying for my textbook just so I could do my assignment, which would be used as my continuous assessment (CA), and that happened to be my pocket money for feeding, and unfortunately, it was the last cash I had on me. Leaving the hostel without eating, then coming back in the evening without even taking water, and being an ulcer patient that didn't sit right with my tummy, I wasn't able to take my medication since I didn't eat that day.

I went straight to my bed when I got back, changed into something more comfortable, and started doing the assignment. I had to be done that evening so I could read for two tests the next day. That day I felt like the universe was against me, and to crown it all, I was having serious stomach bites. I could manage it since I was used to the pain, but it gets to a certain level that I need to call for help when it gets serious.

I was under pressure, tired, fatigued, restless, and super hungry. It was so bad that I didn't have an escape plan. You know, in school, if you can't afford a meal for the day, you have that one backup plan (Garri to the Rescue), but I didn't have that either.

I got so emotional that I couldn't help but cry in secret, of course. I was done with my assignment and decided to take a short nap before I got to the night class to read.

The thing was, I was close with my hostel mates, but I wasn't free enough to express my problems to them; in fact, I wanted to handle my things without anyone noticing. But something really beautiful happened: one of my roommates came to my rescue. We didn't talk about anything; she didn't know I was going through anything. She just woke me up and gave me a plate of food, then gave me 2k to hold or use for whatever I wanted to use it for.


You know how you just go into a shocking state, like you don't get how or why something just happened. And I honestly couldn't control my emotions, and I cried in front of her; she was even shocked and was trying to console me.

And when I asked her what the reason was for her kindness, her response was that the day she came to the hostel, nobody gave her a helping hand to take her things into the hostel since she was relatively new to the hostel. She said I was friendly, and the fact that I complimented her mom for being a beautiful woman too added to the reason she wanted to give me something.

The thing was, I had honestly forgotten about that. She actually moved into the hostel a week ago, so I just saw she needed help. I asked her, and she acknowledged that she needed help. I saw her mom was in a hurry, so she left quickly. So her doing what she did wasn't something I expected from such a deed. I was so happy and thanked her so much, and I explained how she had just saved me from sleeping hungry that night. She was glad to help, and after that, we became close. When she needs help, I'm always ready to lend her some help if I'm in the position to do so.

So what I'm saying is that little gestures matter. Who would have thought that being friendly, lending a helping hand, and appreciating her mom would come back around to help me out of a tight situation?

Humility doesn't take you giving something massive to another person just in the name of help; sometimes it's just the little things or gestures you make that you don't even expect their impact to have, which will surely surprise you.

