My background proposal for the Fire Wolf


Miniatura background Fire Wolf.jpeg


I have several days exploring Krita (an open-source software for digital drawing) trying to digitize the sketch made for the Ultimate Healer that I recently shared with the community, and I want to give it color with zeros and ones. As you may know, although I am not a digital painter, not even in the traditional way, this does not prevent me from setting myself the goal of learning this beautiful art in a self-taught way.

Today I found the call for the Holozing Creature Background Contest. And I said to myself, fantastic, I'll do it.

Of course, I don't intend to win, but I will have fun in the process. What better way to learn than creating a scene for one of the four pioneer creatures?

In that sense, I downloaded the four creatures in PNG format. The fire wolf caught my eye, so I got to work and after almost two hours (something a professional would do in a few minutes) I finished my quick pencil sketch in Krita, and then set out to do it in more detail in the software.

I struggled with Krita's tools, and sure enough, I made many mistakes in the handling of layers, use of brushes, color selection, and crude drawing techniques. However, in the end, I achieved my goal. I smiled like a child and I hope to at least get a chuckle out of you too:

Here are some snapshots of the process of creating my proposal for the background of the Fire Wolf card:

Snapshots of the creative process


Doodle to visualize the background


On a canvas of (4961 x 7016) pixels: The sketch of the background concerning the Fire Wolf


On a layer of paint, color with the brush the tree, and the sun.


The final artwork almost ready: without texture

Background for Fire Wolf.jpg

A simple background designed to make the Fire Wolf stand out

Card Fire Wolf2.jpg

Final art for a Fire Wolf card

Thanks for reading me, I look forward to delighting myself with the wonderful backgrounds you will share here.



Free to Use Holozing Dividers by @saydie

An original artwork for the background inspired by the Holozing Fire Wolf. Created in Krita 5.2.1 by me

An original post by @janaveda in Spanish and translated to English with (free version)

Note: The drawing was made on a Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet X1 with a digital pencil of the same brand.

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This is really cute. Fire wolf is looking back at the tree that caught fire from the tail haha.
Krita is one of the best for really detailed work and sketches. But it takes a long time to learn all of it (that's my experience). I always had better experiences with Adobe photoshop.


Hello, @blind-spot

You are right! Krita has a lot of options, and for those who don't have experience with similar programs, I found it complicated. Also, from what I have researched, you have to train your motor skills to draw with skill, and inking requires knowledge of the combination of colors.

Thank you for your words, they encourage me to continue the path of the artist.


No he visto el trabajo de los otros concursantes, y nuestra amistad me hace juez muy parcial, pero el lobo luce simpático y cálido.
No dudaría en adoptarlo.

