RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Superpower for a Day

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Wow, this is awesome, having a super power for one day, it's a known fact that every living soul wants super power, even baggers on our streets want super power, but it's not very reachable because God is totally in control of whom he gives it at any given point in time. This is the very reason our politicians mostly in African continents try to size political power as it gets to them. For example, see what has happened in Garbon. Particularly, power is very intoxicating.
Those that has power feel on top of the world, that is generally the human nature

If I'm given super power just for one day,
I will like to be given the power of doing all kinds of miracles, the very spiritual power to raise the dead, answer people's qenuine prayers, heal the lame people, give babies to barren women no matter their ages, like Sarah and Elizabeth of the bible, do you realize how joyful these women were when they conceived and gave birth to their own babies at a very old age, Sarah was ninety years old when she birthed isaec, while Elizabeth was sixty years old as she gave birth to John the Baptist. If I have super power for just a day, I will also remake the world as it was during the time of adam and eve, no suffering, fruits to eat every where nothing at all was lacking, it was an enjoyment galore, all these my desires will yield positive results to every human being and myself too on the face of the earth, no matter where in reside.
