
As humans we are always happy when we have someone to blame for a misfortune and we always wish we are the ones that gets the praises for doing something good. Life indeed is not fair most of the time to some people and that is why they easily lean towards that part and blame all their misfortune on the unfairness of life. Getting married to someone is not something we should take for granted, dating someone is even a work on it's own not to mention marriage. This is one aspect of life that some people see as a game and they play with it, they don't really settle down to make choices on who to spend the rest of their lives with and in the end they resolve to divorce.

Have you ever heard the saying, look before you leap? Don't ever try to mistake it for leap before you look because I think that's what most people do today. Most of all, we should learn how to be responsible for our actions for once, blaming something on someone is never a way out, it might even just make the whole situation worse. A lot of people have gotten into marriages that they no longer understand why they made that decision in the first place. A lot of parents wake up in the night to cry because they've looked back and they've realized they made a wrong choice.
It becomes a even bigger problem when a child or children are involved. A relationship can't be there when two people don't relate, it can be funny how two people who were so fond of themselves end up as strangers and sometimes enemies. Well, these things are bound to happen because people will always be people, they hardly learn from the mistakes of others, they prefer to make the mistakes themselves before they can learn from it. A wise person once said the best way to learn is to learn from the experiences of others and not ourselves because we might never get the chance to rewrite our wrongs.


Training up a child is something that becomes a lot effective when both parents are involved in it and that's why one has to be very mindful of the partner they choose, that is one has to think of his or her child when planning to choose a partner. You should choose a partner that your children would be proud of you for making such choice and not the other way around. Having a broken home is a disease and it spreads really fast and that's why you have to be very intention about the home bringing you give to your kids.

If one ever get separated from a marriage, the impact would be both the couple and the children but would be more on the parent taking care of the children. His or her work load is doubled, now he or she has to carry the cross that two persons were supposed to carry, of course that is not going to be an easy task. But then such a person still has the responsibility of taking good care of his or her child. Mind you, this shouldn't be the time for teaching your child how to hate the other party for discarding them, trust me there are many other things you want to be doing.
I've seen broken homes where most single parents are more focused on telling their children how bad the other party is, rather than actually teaching them what they should learn and this is how most children now grow up with a mindset that can hardly be erased. A single parent will always try to portray his or herself as a good person in the presence of his or child except for few that actually never care for that child. As a single parent, this is a time when you want to revolve your world around your children, you want to teach them of the mistakes you made and not that of others.


As a single parent never hide some certain things from your children because eventually they will find out and that might make them miserable. As a single parent also, you want to live a life of example because your kids are always watching you, don't be a parent that gives the rule and also break it because that won't end well at all. Always learn how to engage your children in friendly conversations to know what they are thinking or what they might be facing. No matter how hectic your work might be, learn to have time for them because they need you more.
And that is one reason why you have to be financially stable before having children because you can't explain to them why they won't be eating, why they won't get good clothes and so many more, they might just end up having a wrong idea about life. The bottom line is, as a spouse, both of you should having something fetching money, it shouldn't be only on one person because no one knows tomorrow. As someone would put it, try and have VEX MONEY, when you have vex money it would help avoid a lot of things in the home. If you know you are not financially stable and you are single parent, it only means you might end up not giving your children the best because at some point you would let some things go because you can't even provide for your children.

In summary, the best way to deal with being a single parent is to be the change you want to see, because your kids are watching you and they will mostly follow your lead so you have to set the pace and they will follow.

Thank you so much for reading, these are all my opinions, so feel free to leave your contribution. Until next time, stay AWESOME and JIGGY!!!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 170 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


A single parent that is broke,
It takes only a well grounded mind to survive a child in that situation without pointing at the wrong of the 'away' parent.


That's right, all the more reason why one has to have vex money and most especially be careful with making a choice for who to settle down with.


It's never the desire of anyone to be a single parent. No one getting into marriage will nurse the idea of ending up as a single parent. Aside getting into marriage with the wrong person which might lead to divorce and thus single parent, I have come to understand that some people really need to work on themselves while in marriage. I have seen some women who actually are the reason they ended up being a single parent. There are some mentality one need to change while delving into marriage otherwise managing conflict which is unavoidable will become a problem to the person and which in most cases leads to divorce. However,when the deed has been done, the best is not to feed the children with the negative part of your partner because it will bring hatred and no matter what you do, that title parent can never be erased because the children are actually the blood of that parent regardless. Also a single parent must be financially fit because you won't have a suitable word to explain to the children why you can't afford their basic needs.


Ahh!!! See as my amiable ambassador have said it all in few words, I look forward to your entry still. Thank you so much for your contribution 🤗


My entry? I am not even planning to do so..lolz
Maybe I should consider joining the contest 😍


Great post. A lot of solid wisdom there. That's why you've been selected for @ecency curation. Keep up the good work.


interesting words, it is a very nice post, greetings.


Wow I totally agree with you. I smiled at the vex money part because it took me down memory lane. Your write up was interesting......kudos


I agree with you, many single parents brood over their situation especially those who caused it for themselves. But no matter the situation , we can show them support of any kind. You gave a good advise that those single parents should concentrate on instilling good habits on their children rather than condemning the other parent constantly in front of the children. I like the sound of vex money. 😅


I love the wise saying. Learning from people's mistakes will surely take us a long way into being better but sadly, some people fail to learn from others.

Parenting is not easy and neither is marriage and that is why we ought to be careful.

Hello dearest dreemer, I hope you are ready for what Monday has brought to your lap. Have fun with work and don't dull. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution dear, it's nice having you stop by 🥰


Marriage is a journey of uncertainties, it is hard to predict what exactly will happen after marriage but most reasons for divorce can be avoided if both parties planned for the marriage before getting into it, people often get married not because they are ready but because they see others getting married.

The greatest victim of a broken marriage is always the children especially if they are still young, most divorced parent don't really know how to navigate single parenting, they end taking out the frustration on the children.

Single parenting is not even something a person should wish for because the burden is always so overwhelming.

Pop in from #dreemport


That's right, now people get married because of some silly reasons but it's more absurd to get married to someone because they are pregnant even when they don't love the person.

Well, I just hope I don't make those mistakes because I want my kids to be proud for having me as their mother.

Thank you so much for your contribution 🥰
