
No one ever plans to fail but then that doesn't mean they won't fail especially if they fail to plan. When the year started most of us were so elated to start the year by setting goals for ourselves and I'm not exempted from that list. Before the past year ended, I set some goals for myself even when I wasn't sure what the new year holds for me. Planning for something that you don't see does requires Faith and I did take a leap of faith to set goals for myself based on the previous years experiences I've had and also hopes for a brighter future.

Due to the fact that setting these goals was based on hopes of it being the best it could be, there is possiblity of us not achieving most of these goals even when they seem to be smart goals. Yes, one of the best ways to set a goal is by making them SMART. After setting these goals and I realize that I'm not doing so well at achieving them, the question is, WHAT DO I DO?

Well, the first thing I'd do is to first keep being OPTIMISTIC. At a time like this, one has to keep a positive mind even when they might feel sad that things aren't going the way they have initially planned it. While setting these goals there are so many things we overlooked and they might come back to stop us from achieving our set goals, so this is definitely the time to stay positive and think of a way forward.

The second thing I'd do is to REVIEW MY GOALS. I'm not sure everyone will accept reviewing their goals but for me I think it is a good thing to do at a point like this. I believe it is better to achieve so many smaller goals than to not achieve one huge goal we've planned for. Reviewing your goals gives you the possibility of achieving your goals even when at first it seemed impossible. The fact that you review your goal will save you from being demoralized.

There is this joy and motivation that comes from achieving a set goal. When you refuse to review your goals even after seeing that they are not as SMART as you thought they were, you will end up not achieving them and that might kill your interest from even setting goals in the future. So reviewing your goals will give you a better chance of achieving it and when that happens you'd surely feel fulfilled and motivated to do better.


Once I've been able to review my goals, the next thing I want to do is make sure the goals I've reviewed to are SMART so as to avoid improving on it again. The goals should be realistic so you can even do more than what you've planned to achieve than not meeting up with it again. Like I've mentioned before, it's better to achieve 10 smaller goals than to plan to achieve one big one and fail.

Lastly, I refuse to GIVE UP even when I know I've failed. Yes it hurts to fail but it doesn't mean it's bad to fail. It's only bad to fail when you give up, so as long as you keep trying to get better at what you've failed at, then failure is even more profitable. Yes, I might fail at my goals but that doesn't mean I'd give up trying to meet up with them. It will even give me more experiences to know how to handle some situations better.

A person who fails is not a failure until they give up trying to succeed. Failing is one of the most beautiful thing even though at the surface it seems the other way around. When we fail it gives up room to improve more on ourselves and then we even get better than those who always win and have lost the value of those successes they've achieved. I'd keep going even after all the pushbacks and I know my comeback will definitely be louder.

This is my response to the Thinkers Corner prompt initiated by @kenechukwu97, feel free to check it out and also participate in it as there is a prize to be work and knowledge to be gained.

Thank you so much for reading up to this point, I'm really so glad to have you stop by 🥰.

All Images used are mine


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 189 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Whenever I set goals, it stuck in my mind always and so I don't need to review my calls manually and my mind keeps working automatically. I don't know if it's work for others or not but it's beneficial for me.
But I believe the system you follow is good and we should not give up anytime.


You don't review your goals because it doesn't need review, you are lucky to have set a smart goal.

Like I said, when you notice your goals are not smart that's when you review it.

Thank you so much for your contribution,I'm happy for you to don't have need for goal review 😊


I'm on board with setting SMART goals. That Strategy is something I learned when I was studying a course in Marketing and I later noticed that the same approach applies to all other areas of life whenever goal-setting is involved.

As for the way you will react if things seem to be getting uninspiring results, the points you highlighted are really interesting. The bit about being optimistic is very important because it deals with the mind. I've noticed that being optimistic about something usually comes from a state of belief in the chances of achieving that thing.

In most cases, when people become pessimistic about anything, it weakens their minds and also affects how they work towards achieving their goals. Optimism in the long run leads to a "never give up attitude".

Well Done, Hope. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us on this topic.


I actually first learned about it in school too but I got to understand it better here on hive thanks to Starstrings.

You've said it all about how optimistism can improve our goals and give us the never-giving up spirit.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution to what I've said and it's indeed a pleasure to participate in your contest 🥰


That's an upward learning curve. It shows we can learn anywhere and at any time. Also, it shows that whatever we learn, even if we don't apply that knowledge immediately, can still be a life-changing knowledge in the future.

Well Done, Hope.


That's true, most of the things we are learning might seem useless but with time it will definitely come in handy.

I !LUV your take on my post 🥰 !PIMP


I am glad you are edging on no matter what life brings. Failure can't be stopped. It has to occur for new thoughts to emerge.

I like your take on this, Hoppie.


No one ever plans to fail but then that doesn't mean they won't fail especially if they fail to plan

I'm in love with this 🖕 statement. No one on earth plans to fail. Everyone plans to succeed but success is not guaranteed. Worst still, when the person fails to plan.

When expecting results, failure always finds its way in. It can be so discouraging but it's to one's advantage . This is because when something is achieved without any setback or failure, it doesn't hold much value.

I love to see failure as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block and I try my best not to quit in the long run because winners never quit and quitters never win.



My amiable ambassador has spoken. Thank you so much for elaborating more on what I've written, you have said so many things that I love too and I'm glad you stopped by 🥰


It's alright to fail as it does not make us a failure, but it does makes us one when we give up. Being optimistic when you aren't getting the desired result will push us forward to keep us going because we believe things would work out well when we do not give up and when we try to check what is happening in order to create an alternative plan.


True! Thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution sis 🤗


you are right. When you do not plan, failure might be lurking. your ways of getting back on track are similar to mine. I also believe in going back to the drawing board. There is no shame in that. In the end, all we want to do is win.



I'm glad you agree with me, some people still find it hard to accept that it's not bad to go back to the drawing board.

It's so good to have you stop by !LADY 🥰


Indeed! A failure is not just a failure it can be an inspiration to continue and do better. I hope your goals this year will be achieved. Goodluck 🙌


You're right Patrick 🥰, thank you for the best wishes, I wish you the same 🤍.

Thank you for stopping by
