Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest Round #289 SMASh

Once again sharing another post here with the #ShadowHunters community and its weekly contests on this occasion number #289, also thanking @melinda010100 for the opportunity to be part of this great family.

Nuevamente compartiendo otra publicación aquí con la comunidad #ShadowHunters y sus concursos semanales en esta ocasión el número #289 además agradecer a @melinda010100 por la oportunidad de formar parte de esta gran familia.

I took these photographs a few days ago of the pet we have here at home, a cute one-year-old cat who has become very loved by all of us; Although lately he has been somewhat naughty, we are trying to tame him but sometimes it is difficult. He spends a lot of time near the refrigerator and is always waiting to see what he takes out to order his little bit of food. He looks very calm in the photographs but my sister had just given him food, hence his calm way of behaving.

Estás fotografías las tomé ya hace unos días a la mascota qué tenemos aquí en casa un lindo gato de un año y el cuál se ha vuelto muy querido por todos nosotros; aunque últimamente ha estado algo travieso lo vamos tratando de domesticar pero a veces es difícil. Pasa mucho tiempo cerca de la nevera y siempre pendiente de ver qué se saca para pedir su poquito de comida se ve muy tranquilo en las fotografías pero justo mí hermana le acababa de dar comida de allí su manera tranquila de comportarse.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!



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