When It's a Need But No Resources to Meet It


Life is beautiful, there lots of things that is generally experienced. If we are all satisfied to the point that we need nothing that will make life to stop. Life is governed by time and human needs cannot finish.

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Both the rich, average and poor alike at one time or the other desire to have something but due to one thing or the other they will not be able to satisfy the want.

But no matter how rough the situation seems to be there are things one cannot do without as the long or short absence of same will bring so much displeasure 💔💔 including heartbreak.

Hivedeb cannot stay a day without having data in her phone
As the world is moving and there are lots of technological advancement somethings automatically became a necessity. As a remote worker one thing that helps me accomplish my work and stay update is data. Infact I can stay without having airtime in my phone for even a month but staying without have subscription is as good as staying without food.

Well, there are times my data gets exalted and I didn't make adequate provision before then, what I do in that case is to use my MTN points to get data which will serve me within a short time before I get full subscription though it's not always easy to run short of what is a dare need sometimes my temperature gets so high and my brain working so fast to see to it that I get back to my state.

Considering the stress on goes through when a need is not been able to be met it is so good to make sure every arrange is put in place so that one will not run into such an issue. Another important thing I have done is to make friend with vendors who can help fund my account with data while I do my best to get the fund to pay for a full subscription.

Also there are times that I may not be able to get a full subscription that can last for a month what I do at this point is manage with what I have at hand. This is the best solution I like going with. Sometimes I get a week subscription and before it's gets exalted I get the one am use to.

In as much as am looking for a cheaper subscription there are things I don't have to do maybe I am wrong. Just last week someone told me about a cheat that goes for just 2k. After I paid he gave me the details and I wàs not excited at all and he told me he is going to refund me but till now I have not gotten a refund and no explanation to that at all.

As I bring this subject to a close, planning ahead is very important and in all we setting boundaries is so important to avoid getting into what we will regret tomorrow.

It is a pleasure to be a part of the hive learner's contest week 74 edition 1, hope you are fine? Do take care of yourself and have the best if he week.
