This Event Should Not Pass Me by If I Have All The Means

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All work without a commensurate recreation will result to a memory stock, yes this is my version. When will work ourselves but is nice for us to take out time to go for relaxations. There are events that have deliberately fixed to mark date. That I a day to remember for Joy or for sorrow. I always wished for good events not bad memories. When I see people hosting event for the dead it makes me feel somehow, you see someone that didn't know when his Dad died will go and dig pictures and state making the date. That will end up bringing bad memories a times of regrets and a times of unending wishes. Then they forget hosting event to celebrate the living.

Just last year my parents in law makes solid years of marriage and we hosted an event for this golden jubilee. That day left me so emotional, see the testimonies that flowed and the good memories that was brought forward. We did that deliberately for them because they told us that on their wedding day they had no opportunity to celebrate the reception that I to say no uniced cake not to talk of the iced one. My sister in-law baked this wonderful cake for that event. That's a good celebration and by that they see more reasons to live. The preparation for this event wàs top notch, you needed to see how it all played out.

Another event that am anticipating is the #hivefest
When I joined hive blockchain last year was when the preparation for the 2022 hive fest was ongoing. I didn't really understand what it was all about so I wished to be part of it. My wishes didn't materialize so I was able to join some of the sections and it was powerful. Now another time has come for the gathering of like minds. Every preparation is ongoing for this year's event. Again am wishing I will be able to travel for this event. That will be my first time of leaving the shores of this country. Sincerely I need some fresh air from other parts of the world. The kind of issues we are facing here is enough for someone to wish for a change of environment.

Attending this event will offer me the opportunity to meet with alot of great minds in this awesome platform and network with them. In this platform am still a baby, there lots of things I need to learn, so attending this event will help me learn so many things. Infact I will have to make a list of things I need to learn and write down my questions too. Also I will be able to put forthsome suggestions I feel will help on the growth of the system too.

As my wishes will not give me wings at the moment I know Rosarito Mexico is going to be one of its kinds because men and women will brain will be in attendance. The good sites of Mexico will be explored aside the teachings, learnings and the special delicacies that will be present to add some colours to the event.

Events are good and it's best will give it our best shoot to make it a memorable one. Who ease is wishing to be at this August Event hosted by this amazing blockchain platform. It's my pleasure to be part of this second edition of the 74 week in hive learner's community. Thanks for staying with me to the end.


You made very interesting points in your article dear friend. Of a truth, all work with no play makes jack a full boy, and as such we all need to witness good events that would lead to pleasant memories. The believe the hivefest has promised to be awesome and preparation are underway to get an exciting memory out of it.
Thanks for sharing and goodluck in this contest.


Yes dear. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you will participate in the event?


An awesome development and good to account for some historical events because of how we cherished them on our heart. Your in-laws golden jubilee celebration was indeed an unforgettable experience for you. Good to know that. Enjoy the hive mega feast of it's feasible.


Yes it was worth celebrating. Thanks for showing up
