Just A Few Is Enough. Quality Should Be Of A High Value

Blessed new week to you all my friends, I just pray that this week yeilds much to us. This week's first topic is so interesting because to me it is a trending one considering the happening around the world.

Children are a heritage from the Lord according to the scriptures, as they are heritage does not imply a woman should hatch all the eggs in her womb because children are God's heritage. In my country the number of kids a family should have is not stated on a daily basis so it is open ended. I have heard of many countries that it is mandated by law that a family should not have more than two children and that has help them control their population so much. Having two many in a country makes it difficult for management of many things. Let alone now that the economy is so messed many people are left to sort themselves out using different means and before you could say jack evil will be all over. Imagine now that even a little fund is not enough for a few and a family of fifteen, how do they survive.

People give birth in my country for different reasons, imagine in my country that they are so sex sensitive, so many give birth to many gives in the name that they are looking for a male child and that happens in the other way round. There is this friend of mine that already have 6 gives and because she needs a baby boy she still gave birth just this year again because she needs a boy but she ended up with a girl again. With this kind of mentality she may end up having twelve children.

Left to me, the number of kids each family should have should be left open ended because the capacity of everyone is not the same. What I will do is to make sure I run a sensitization or an awareness campaign. On a daily basis I have realized that many don't understand the implications of having an extra life with them. Giving Birth is a call to responsibility. Responsibility in the sense that what ever the child does from a tender age to maturity will be blamed on the upbringing and the fewer the better. When the kids are few the parents have more time for each of them but when they are many it becomes more demanding. Also the quality of life the parents gives to let's say two or try kids will be shared if they are 5 or 10. Just today I was in a conversation with a man he told me that it is God that gives children and my pastor responded through him which is the man...we all laughed over it but it's so true.

These days I get to notice that it is mostly people who don't have much resources that go about giving birth to many kids but those that are well to do just have one or two kids which makes it easier for them to channel their whole resources on them and before you know it those kids have a more better life than the other.

In a way of summary, kids give birth to the number of kids you are sure to a great extent that you will be able to provide all round care for them with the help of God and not to be in a competition with anyone is a goal that should be on a front burner of everyone.

My entry to the first edition of week #115 contest in hive learners community.

Thank You for stopping by my blog


You said it well.
The people that are busy producing children are the ones below the average in terms of living capacity 😅


I still don’t go with the idea that few kids make it easier to raise good kids. I believe this is left to the upbringing of those kids by their parents. A family might have a child or two and still struggle to care for them or even have them well trained. So I just hope individuals know their limits and also take up responsibilities over their kids.


Everyones view is good in his own sight. I prefer a few and responsible parents too


People should just know their limit, but those that are below average earners are the real problem. They keep producing kids they can't train and this is really causing problems


That limit is so important... thanks dear


Your approach is good but remember the citizens can be obstinate even when the truth is laid before them. It's the less privileged that give birth more and perhaps creating more disparity as those that end up uneducated may hinder the peace of the society


That's true, the society may be a times unhealthy but when kids knows the correct thing it makes more sense. Thanks for your view


It's dishearting when I see parents angry because they give birth to another gender different from what they want.

And this usually push them to keep trying and trying till the house becomes full and they're unable to provide for all.

A policy should be put in place to regulate amounts of children per family.


The policy is so good but am sure it wouldn't work in Nigeria not at this time, rather they will turn it into another means of making so money. I just wish individuals will get some self orientation. Thanks dear
