RE: Entry "TREES" - POBphotocontest

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Haha well let them be confused and scared if they can't handle it! 🤣

Yeah can understand that, I won't sing or dance around other people at all. Too awkward. (Unless I've had too much whiskey, but that almost never happens anymore)

Someday, when I'm not half asleep... I'm going to ask about those stories!
It sounds like you've had a pretty interesting life so far, tried and seen many things, would love to do any kind of job in or around an art gallery.

That's a pretty cool way of thinking about things. I don't believe in stuff and things or anything like that, but I do feel like somehow all the changes we make and wherever we end up is where we need to be to get where we are going, so there's that!
If that even makes sense, I should probably consider shutting up and trying to do the sleep thing somehow.😅
